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We talked some more before she left. Leaving me sinking in my own thought.

"You are my bestfriend!"

The phrase haunts me. Maybe I'm being like this because we are oftenly together. Either in person or by phone.

I sigh. I don't know.
Stupid me for hoping like that.

Maybe I can cheer myself up tommorow.
Tommorow, I'm going to kiss her. For the drama, yes. But at least she is fully consious now.


"Kento-kun!!" She runs towards me with her lips forming a smile. "Ohayou*!"

"Ohayou, Catherine-chan," I smile back at her.

"Don't kiss me too sweet today, okay?" She pouts, then laugh with me.

"I'll make you fly to the seventh sky with my lips," I tease her. Slightly hoping that it will be true. "Where should we practice? Bet, 10mins again, the producer will told us to".

"Bed," she wriggles her eyebrow. "Kidding! Somewhere you like, I won't protest if it is bed tho," she jokes.

"Let's go, bed," I chukkle. Then we go looking for kissing scene practice, a place we can comfortable.

Guess what? Girl's bathroom. Nice. The producer let us to practice alone.
It usually doesn't happen, unless we ask for a time to be together first, to break the awkward atmosphere. But not with practicing alone. I don't know, Catherine is the one who ask for the permission.

"Oh my God, this is will be awkward," she says. She stands near the sink, while looking at her face in the mirror.

You don't need a mirror, you are beautiful already, Cath.

"Should we.. start?" She is blushing. I can tell.

I laugh at her, "You are blushing!"

"Shut up! Let's just start!" The face get even more red and it looks cute. Suits Catherine's cute face and her childish being.

So I approach her. Look deeply in her eyes. I don't usually do this with my co-star, but hey, this is Catherine. What a big chance.

I grab her face, this is should be the climax, which means this is the last scene for us.

The story is about me being a handsome tsundere boy, and her a popular girl that doesn't interested with me, but at the end we fall in love together.

I have to kiss her like a tsundere that have just fallen for a girl.

I close my eyes, imagining the story line, how will a tsundere kiss a girl.

I have to be professional about this. Even when I want to kiss her as me and not the character. I have to kiss her like the character.

Our lips is about to touch. I can feel her breath already. I can feel that my face is getting hotter as it blush. My heart bumping so fast, making all the blood in my body flow faster than it should.

Well Cath, I'm sorry for being so unprofessional about this, but, I love you.

I kiss her.

Oh this is such a unprofessional practice time.

There is a silent while our lips meet each other. I am scared, my heart beating so fast, so loud, she probably can hear it and becoming a shame for my self.

Then she release the kiss. Step backward and close her eyes. Covering her face with her hands.
I look at her. Something is wrong, definately wrong.

Is she.. blushing? Oh. No. Don't make me hoping for it. No, I don't want to get hurt.

She looks at me. Her eyes.. I've never seen this expression of her before. She keep looking at me, starring at both of my eyes. Making me sink in her brown eyes, her eyes hipnotize me.

Then suddenly she steps forward. Grabbing my face.

She kiss me.

My heart beating so fast. Either because I'm kissing or because I'm happy. I'm happy that she kiss me. But I still don't know why she kiss me.

But it makes me happy enough.

She keep it for a while before hugging me. Lean her face in my chest. I scared that she will hear my heartbeat. I hug her back, rub her back once.

"Ke..Kento-kun," she calls me.

"What is it, Catherine-chan?" I tighten my hug.

"How did it feel? How did you feel when you kiss me?"

What should I answer?
Should I say that I am loving it?
Or should I say I'm professional with it?

I don't know.

"Answer me, Kento-kun," she says while hug me even tighter.

"I.. I just be professional with it, Cath".

She release the hug. I don't know why, she looks like she is about to cry.

What have just happened?

"I.. I need to get Kurosaka, excuse me," she gets out of the bathroom, then running to Kurosaka, calling his name, and cling into him. Hugging him.

Cath, I actually feel so nervous.
My heartbeat can't lie about it.
But.. I.. I don't know what to say about it.

And  now, Cath.
Now I am jealous.

Don't hug him, just hug me, like what you just did.

I am jealous.

What do you think about this chapter? 😂
And what happened to Catherine?

Please look forward about it!

*Ohayou = Good morning

When I Met You ● Yamazaki Kento (山崎 賢人) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now