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I woke up to a bright ass light and a beeping monitor. I saw Neicy watching Tv in a chair. What in the fuck am I doing here? Dammit! Mikey stabbed me. I pulled the blanket off and looked at my side. It was red and stitched up. Dammit. "Neicy, where's my parents?" She turned around quick as fuck. "Omg, babe are you okay? Why were you guys fighting? You've been out for a week. Damn! Your parents just left. Literally just left. Ill text them and let them know you're okay", she said pulling out her phone. "I'm good baby, just tired", I tried sitting up but it hurt too much. "Why would he stab you anyways tf?" She said confused and and angry at the same time. "Baby listen,when I tell you don't be mad at me okay? We were chilling one day and next thing I know-" "Rodney you're up! How are you feeling?" A nurse came in cutting me off. "Uh, in pain. Feel like I'm on fire and shit", I said. "Okay well I'm paging the doctor now so he can come in and check on you while I check to make sure there are no complications", she helped me sit up and checked me out. "I'll be back", Neicy said checked her phone and then walking out. I sighed. "Do you know why you were stabbed and who it was?" "I was in a fight but I don't remember who it was", I answered her. Just then the doctor walked in. "How is he?" "In pain, we need to prescribe him to something", the nurse walked out leaving me with the doctor. "I'm Dr. Maloney, it says you're already 18 so I'll tell you now and your parents later. We're keeping you for three more days and then you'll be going on bed rest for another week. Your school has been notified and your girlfriend will be giving you your homework. I'll prescribe you to painkillers okay, tomorrow a nurse will be here to check on you okay?" I nodded my head and leaned back into the bed. He left and I was alone. Why would he stab me? I thought... I thought that he loved me? I mean all you could've said was no nigga. I hope my girl won't be mad at me when I tell her. All I know is that I'm giving Mikey what he deserves for stabbing me. Fuck him, fuck our friendship, and fuck his life. I hope he ready for me with his bitch ass. "Rodney, I'll see you tomorrow okay babe?" I just stared at her. "Baby you so gorgeous you know that?" "Yes,thanks to you. But get some rest. Ill see you later", she kissed me and walked out. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes before leaning on my side. "Ouch shit", I turned to my left. Yeah I hope he ready.

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