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Its been months since I left for DR and I'm happier than I ever been. I live with my aunt Cecilia and cousin Jerry. I don't go to school at all, I work instead, at a farm. But fuck it I don't care I'm just happy as hell to be back home after 10 years. I'm still in contact with Gabby and Siya and they told me everything that's been going on. Rodney didn't die which is cool, Stacey is pregnant, no surprise, and Erica got played by an undercover gay guy. Shit she could have asked me if he was gay, I wouldn't do anything with him but I can tell.

My family knows the situation of the whole why I had to move incident and they were okay with it surprisingly. Right now I just got off work and I'm laying in my room on the bed. "Mike you cooking tonight?", Cecilia barged in my room. I groaned. "Not tonight I'm tired", she sucked her teeth and sat on my bed. "You best cooker here", we were talking in Spanish so when its translated into English it doesn't really sound right. "I'll do it damn", she smirked and then left out. I can't wait to move back to the states next year she always pissing me off. I walked in the kitchen and saw Constance in the fridge.

When I say this bitch is annoying, I'm dead ass serious. "Get out", she jumped and looked at me. "Hmm, why should I?" She's Jerry's girlfriend. "Or I'll yell thief", she grilled me and I mugged her back. She finally left me to my duties. I cooked, ate, then showered and went to bed after texting Gabby about her slutty ass girlfriend Natasha.

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