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Gonna add an extra character pov here to space out the main characters. 

"I need a favor cousin", I said into the phone. "I need you to follow Mark and see what bitch he with. Yeah a fucking girl. Number or address, I don't care.  I wanna tell her about her nigga. Thanks cousin you the best. Who? Erica Richardson? Cute name. 258 Northern St? Yeah... yeah... ok. Ard nigga.  Bye. Tell my aunt I said hey", I hung up and decided to go to Mark's house again to see if he would change his mind about us.

After a few outfit changes and pep talks I arrived at his house in 40 mins. Knock, knock. I stepped back and looked at my outfit. A simple black polo shirt, black joggers and my vans. "Who is it?" I ignored it and knocked again. Bitch ass finally answered the door in a gray tank and basketball shorts. "What nigga?" "One last chance or imma tell her boo", I said sitting in a chair on the porch. "You don't even know her", he said sitting in front of me.  "Erica Richardson?" I smirked looking at his face go from content to angry. "Fuck off my Dick Ron. I like her, be happy for me", he said sighing and getting up. "I look good when I'm on it and don't worry, she won't know yet. See ya later baby", I blew him a kiss and drove off angry as fuck.

Pissed at the fact that he chose to be with this bitch over me. What does she have that I don't. Other than a vaginally and titties. I drove to her address and waited to see if she was home so I could tell her about our man. She had a nice looking house ... well her momma did. I waited at least an hour before I saw her pulling into her driveway. Its time!!

When she stepped out, I saw that she was gorgeous.  Her body was to kill for.  And her hair looked amazing, I hope its weave. She locked her car and headed for her front door. I stepped out and approached her. "Um excuse me", I said getting her attention. "Oh. Hi. Can I help you?" She said pushing her hair out the way. I was lost for words. Her makeup looked flawless. "I was wondering who did your hair and makeup because you look gorgeous ", I said with a smile. "Oh, Its called Beauty Within on 367 Summerset Road. If you go on Thursdays its 60% off on everything they have in there. And thank you", she went inside her purse. Think fast Ron!! "Good looking out girl. So my cousin is having a party on Saturday, would you like to come?" Say yes bitch!! "Sure? Can I bring people?" I nodded.  "Is it free?" "I think so. Ill have to ask him" I laughed. "All he told me to do was invite a couple of bad bitches there" "I'll give you my number and you can text me the details okay", she grabbed my phone and typed her number in. "Bad bitch? Girl you funny! We'll get along just fine. I'm Ron", I extended my hand and she did the same. "Erica.  I have to do my homework so text me so I'll- hold on this my bae", I got irritated so fast and told her that I will. She left and I walked away.

I can't help but feel like I flirted with her. Eww! Tf. I drove home. Ughh. I texted my cousin and told him to have a party on Saturday. I hope she'll bring Mark because that's when I'll tell her. Dumb ass bitch nigga.

I feel like this chapter was suckish.

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