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I'm not gonna lie and say I miss Mark but that shit he did is not forgivable. The fact that he cheated on me with a man at that. I have no problem with gay people but don't put me in a little love triangle. Its been over a month since the pool party and since we last talked directly. I don't even wanna be friends with a liar. I wish him and his lover all the best to be honest. In fact I found somebody else last week. He's 23 and a college guy. Majoring in criminology. He acts like a grown man too, you don't see that these days. Today I'm hanging out with the girls; Siya, Neicy, Tanya, & Mia. Jess doesn't really come around anymore since she's about to move. We all understand but I think it's something much deeper than that. I pulled up to Neicy's house and opened the door finding them already there. "Hey y'all", I waved. "Hey girl, wassup, you late", was their response. "So what we getting into today?", I sat on the couch and put my feet on Mia's lap. "Nothing really" "Let's just chill for awhile and spark up", Tanya suggested. I rolled my eyes. "I don't smoke bitch" "You gon learn today", they laughed while Niecy and Tanya went to get the stuff I guess. "So what's going on with y'all?", I asked. "Nothing just that Stacey is pregnant and pinning it on Danny", I was shocked. "Really? You not mad?" "Nothing to be mad for, its not his", she sipped her pineapple soda. I nodded my head and turned to Mia. "You got dick yet?" "No I don't need it, plus I don't wanna fuck a random", she flipped her hair. "True", I laid back. They came back with lighters, baggies full of grass, something with a shiny, gold cover and I think a bong. I only seen it once over Mike house. I wonder how he is doing. We weren't like best friends but really cool. "Hey y'all heard from Mike lately?" I asked sitting up, watching them set up. "Yeah last week, he's fine", Siya said pulling out the grass, I mean weed out the baggie. It was quiet for a minute until Neicy spoke up. "You guys know why they were fighting?" "Rodney didn't tell you?", she shook her head. Damn I thought we all knew. "Y'all gonna tell me or what?" "Don't look at me", Mia took a blunt and Siya lighted her up. "Siya. I know you know", I just sat there watching them smoke. "Here Erica", Tanya passed it to me. I took it and stared at it. "Bitch what happened between them?", Neicy screamed. "They fucked okay?" It got quiet and I took a small drag from it. "Like this", Mia showed me. "What you mean they fucked? Had sex? With each other?" We all looked at each other. "Y'all knew ?" Look we thought you did, that's why we never questioned why you stopped hanging around your boyfriend. He should've told you himself", Siya said. I got the hang of smoking and soon started feeling myself. "We are all friends here", I heard Tanya say. "I can't believe this bullshit", she got up and left. "We in her house where the fuck she going?", I laughed. "That's fucked up yo. Niggas out here low key gay", Mia blew smoke in Siya's face. "I feel bad", I walked in the kitchen to see if she had any snacks, next thing I know Neicy walk in. "So?" "I still can't believe it", her head in her hands. "I mean what were you doing all this time if not hanging out with us or him?", I opened a bottle of Brisk pink lemonade. "Well, my grandmother needed help around the house, she can't walk around like that anymore", I opened up lays cheddar chips. "Hungry ass", she mumbled. "Should I break up with him?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Don't ask me shit", I sat on the counter. "I love him but wait. They had sex or just did other things?" I sighed. "Had sex, oral sex all that", she sighed loud as shit. "I don't like cheaters, even if it was a girl I would still break up with him" "Do what you gotta do", Siya and Mia walked in. "Hungry as hell", Mia said laughing. "I'd rather do it in front of y'all", Siya looked at us like we were crazy. "Do what?" "She wanna dump him crazy", she let out a breath of relief. "Oh I thought y'all was going gay or something" "Bitch don't you like girls too?" We started laughing. "Mind ya business", we went back in the living room and sat down talking the whole time about stupid shit. Hanging with my bitches always leaves me laughing and not stressed out. I left around 5 to go home and saw Drew, the guy I'm talking to, knock on my door. I got out quickly and grabbed his collar. "Boy what the hell you doing?" "Knocking on your door?" "Don't show up unannounced anymore", I rolled my eyes and sat on my step. "Wassup?" "Do you wanna go to dinner?" "Can't school night", he sat next to me. "Then lets do something this weekend. "Okay", I smiled and laid my head on his head. "What's wrong? Don't lie", I sighed. "Honestly I feel good about myself right now. My skin is looking clear, my cramps don't hurt as they used to and my love life Is in a good place right now" "Oh your love life? Really?", he chuckled which made me mug the hell outta him. "What you saying?" "I'm saying, how you know we in a good place?" "Nigga you saying we not?", I moved away from him. "Chill I'm just playing, we more than good princess", he kissed me. "Princess?" "Yeah what?" "I'm a queen nigga", I flipped my hair and rolled my eyes. "You right but not my queen until we get married", I pushed his shoulder and stood up. "My dad will be here any minute", I told him. "I gotta go?" I nodded. "Ard call me later", we walked to his car, kissed and then he left. I hope this nigga don't play me.

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