Chapter Fifty-One: Broken Heart

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This is the last chapter, guys. I want to dedicate it to leanne_groves and AylinDaislovWWE because they've been here since the beginning of my story, and I'm thankful to them for all their support. Thank you guys soo much! There is going to be an epilogue, so I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and don't forget to vote!- Gab

Adora's POV
I don't wake Steve up, hoping that he wouldn't, just so that I wouldn't have to face him. I could sense Tiana on the island already, waiting to strike like a snake hiding in the grass.

And I was scared.

It made me remember a phrase, something I used to hear all the time from back when my grandparents were alive. It was something my grandfather used to say. It was usually when somehthing scary was happening at our house, something that had disrupted our home life. He'd pull me over to him, patting my knee, and tell me, "Even heroes know when to be scared".

But I was no hero.

The person that stared at me in the mirror proved it. But I was definitely scared, more scared than I'd ever been. I wanted to seem selfless, wanted to appear brave. But I couldn't even seem to fake it, because no matter how hard Tiana tried, I was still human.

I'm in the shower, because I don't really want to deal with Calypso's heartbroken face, and Steve's soon-to-be broken heart. I knew today was the day we'd have our big "showdown" with Tiana, but I already knew what was going to happen. My dream was already set in stone.

But I did have one trick up my sleeve.

We had the Tesseract, or more accurately, I had the Tesseract. I had released it from the magic I had used.

I turn off the knobs to the shower, the water sputtering its last few drops out. I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my dripping body. There was a knock on the door, and I froze. Hesitantly, I spoke, "Come in". Steve's face appeared in a crack in the door. I smile, despite how I'm feeling.

"You can come in all the way, love" I tell him quietly, and he nods, closing the door behind him.

"I wanted to talk to you" he says, his blue eyes darted up to look at me nervously. "Steve..." I start but he cuts me off.

"No, I wanted to say I was sorry. I went too far" he told me, the nervousness fading from his eyes. I let out a low chuckle.

"I wanted to apologize too. I never share anything with you, and I know I should. I... I actually have something to tell you" I say, and I'm surprised at how clear my voice sounds.

His brows knit together and he nods, watching me, as if sensing what I was going to say wasn't good.

"I've been having dreams. They started to come true, and one of them was about you" I find myself saying, "And it's when we meet Tiana again. She's going to take you. But only if I give up the Tesseract" His eyes widen, and his lips part.

"Adora..." he trails off, and I look away from his face. There are tears in my eyes, and I can hardly stand to look at him.

"You can't give her the Tesseract, Adora. I'll do what is needed to do" he tells me quietly, his voice strong despite its volume. I purse my lips.

"You're not even going to question that if what I dreamed is going to happen? Calypso did" I mutter, and his eyes flash.

"What ever happens, we can deal with. And I kinda thought she would want me. She wouldn't actually come here if she didn't have a plan. I'm just the bait, Adora. But you're the real prize" his voice makes me feel a surge of affection for him.

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