Chapter 1: Found

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First off, I want to thank BasicNerdLife for the cover. If you want to get a cover done go to her, she does a great job. She has a book where you can ask. Second, this is my first Reverse Falls fanfictions so here we go, and my reverse falls may be different then your reverse falls.....but that's the fun part isn't it? I'm going to stop talking and get you to the actual book. Here we go!

Pacifica POV

"Don't you love the forest Gideon!?" I gasp out in awe as I spun around on the fallen tree. Gideon climbed on the fallen tree right next to me, panting, "I think I have too much forest for a life time..."

"You live here, Gideon, that's why." I pointed out.

Gideon lifted his hat and fixes his hair, "So what?!" 

Gideon Pines was my young cousin with white hair, pale freckled skin, and blue eyes. Gideon wore a blue and white star hat, a white T-shirt, a dark blue vest, gray shorts, and black shoes. He lived here with his father, my Uncle Bud. Uncle Bud runs a tourist trap called the Mystery Shack that was a bit out of the town. He used to run it with his wife until she died in an accident awhile ago.

"And there are no trees where you a come from, Pacifica?" Gideon asked me.

"Not real ones like these. I live in California remember? It's a hot place and trees don't grow so well. They roast down there...This is up in Oregon where trees grow to touch the sky! I'm like in heaven right now!" I raise my arms up in the air, "My parents were so right about sending me up here!"

Gideon smiled gently, "I'm glad that you came up here too or I'd be board out of my mind for the rest of my summer."

I smiled as I took a deep breath of the fresh air, soaking everything in.

As a short intro of myself...I'm Pacifica Southeast. I'm a sparky young girl that loves the 90's style, fashion, and music. I have bright blond hair that was in a pony tail most of the time and blue eyes that always shine. I maybe the only child in my family but I am far away from being spoiled and rotten. Guess it helps to not have much money to be like that. It makes you appropriate things better.

I jumped down from the fallen tree to continue our journal through the forest. I then started to jump around at the up grown tree roots. Then I tip over a root and crash into a tree, hitting my head against the tree, "Ow!" I cried out.

"Pacifica! Oh my gosh! Are you alright?" Gideon came running to my side. I sat up rubbing my head, "Yeah...just hit my head...which actually feel like metal strangely. Who knew trees are so hard like metal."

Gideon knock on the tree, "Yeah they can be...wait a second..." Gideon then knock on the tree again, "It is metal! And hollow!"

I got up to my feet, "What? Are you sure?" 

I then went over to the tree and press my ear against it and knock on the tree. Gideon was telling the truth; It was metal and hallow. Both Gideon and I ran our fingers through the tree and I found a crack, like an edge of a door. I then dug my fingers in the crack and I pop open the small door. 

"It's a secret door! That is so cool!" Gideon gasps out with excitement.

I opened it up completely and revealed what was inside. inside the small compartment was dust, bugs, cob webs, and an old radio.

"You need to come over here a lot more." Gideon muttered, "There is always a mystery when you are around!"

I started to play with some of the buttons and then there was a click with one of them. "What did that do?" I muttered. "Pacifica, look!" Gideon grabs my arm and pointed. I looked over and I could see by the fallen tree that we were just on, was an opening that just opened.

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