Chapter 18: Interrogation

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In this chapter the agents or a bit different from the ones in the show....

Dipper POV

I woke up in a cell when I gathered my senses. I growled as I remember what happened. I tried using my powers but nothing was working. I reach for my amulet but it was gone. "Great. Those jack heads took my amulet." I muttered. I then went to the mirror and my eyes were blue. "Still have the connection, just don't have it on me to use it."

Then guards came into my cell and grab me roughly. "This is no way of treating a Gleeful like this! Do you know who you are dealing with!" I shouted but they didn't listen. Then they shove me into this room. It was the photo room, where they take the picture for a mug shot.

They shove me at the front of the screen and handed me the board to hold out my name. I gave a smirk, "You want to play? Fine."

They had me do my sides first for two pictures then they face me forward. With a smirked I manage to flip them off and they took a picture of that. I guess they didn't notice, fine with me you cop trashes. I was then shoved away to head out the other door. Then I was taken to an interrogation room and handcuff to the table.

Then within seconds the head of the agents, wearing a high class suit and looks. He came and sat down across from me with a large box on the desk, right next to him.

I smirked, "Well, well, isn't it Agent Powers."

"You know me?"

"I'm not an idiot! You have a name on your badge, moron." I growled.

Agent Powers opened up the box and slam down a file, "You sure got a file Mr. Gleeful."

I scoffed, "What file? I've never done anything! I don't even know why I'm here."

"Parents killed in a car crash when you are young, your great uncle name Stanford Gleeful. By the way Dipper, where is your great uncle?"

"Does it look like I know or even care? He is just a bloody guardian that watches my sister and I until we turn 18. He doesn't pay much attention to us and we don't pay much attention to him. He might be on vacation with a girl or something. Speaking about my sister...where is she? Or even better....where is Pacifica?"

Agent Powers pulled out some more files, "People have gone missing and their bodies have never been found." Then he pulled out pictures of some of the people...victims that we dealt with.

"I've never seen them before." I replied.

"They are connected to you or the rest of your family."

"I've never seen them. I hope you find them."

They can't find them...they are gone.

"We've been watching you and the rest of your family."

"Don't you think I know? One of your agents talked to me a few weeks ago at a party. Sadly he passed away."

Powers looks at me with cold eyes. He thinks he could break me...ha! I'm hard as stone.

"We know you are part of a mobster like family-"

I laugh, "You are sounding crazier each second!"

Then Powers pulled out a picture and slam it on the desk in front of me. It was a picture of me and Pacifica walking together. "What have you told her? You lie to her about lots of things about yourself and your family...but what does she know? Did you lie to her to give her the secrets?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I growled.

"you know exactly what I am talking about, boy."

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