2. The crime

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The lamps in the garden were bright, the party was on, Sicheng's family was celebrating his sister's birthday.

"It's strange," Jae glanced at the thick liquid in his glass. "A strange taste for lemonade, never mind," he finished it up and grabbed my arm pulling me in for a dance.

He was a brother I always wanted, the one I could relay on and trust, but I never trusted him enough to tell him, me and his best friend became more than close. Sicheng walked around the garden and smiled to me. His dark eyes, dark hair in the wind, he - handsome in the leather jacket and white sweater. His steps became quicker as he walked towards the kitchen.

"I'll help Sicheng," I let go of Jae's hands and hurried into the house.

I slammed the door shut and my lover laughed loud.

"I knew you will come," he leaned on the counter showing me all his little teeth.

"Funny," I muttered getting closer.

"Funny," he whispered, while his warm skinny hands landed on my face.

He was the definition of fog and light. When he danced he reminded me of a butterfly, which never touched gravity.

We were clever, no one has ever caught us kissing, although we were kissing so much and for so long.

And now the world faded under his lips. The definition of perfection - his kiss.

We couldn't stop, there was no time to breath.

"Adi! Sicheng! Are you here?" Jae's voice made us jump away from each other.

"Hide," Sicheng pressed his wet lips to mine again.

I giggled and squeezed his hand before I ran through the backdoor to the garden.

The night air was fresh and all the stars were out. I shivered when I walked into the shadow of the house, that fell on me, and suddenly my hands were gone, like the rest of me. I moved them up to my face. I could touch them, but there was nothing, perfect invisibility.

My heart raced like crazy. It's an illusion, an illusion, no spells exist. I stopped into the starlight on the grass and then dark shapes ran through the garden. They passed me, not able to notice what even I couldn't see. A second later I heard sharp screams and the sound of broken glass. Sicheng! Jae! My mind screamed, my legs trembled and felt weird, not strong enough to carry me back, but I had to go I had to save him, I mean them. The taste of his lips was still on me, and the fear made it hard for me to breath.

I reached the glass backdoor and froze in horror. Jae was pushed to the floor, a burning arrow was in his chest. I screamed, but my throat refused to give out words. Sicheng was fighting, using a pot as a weapon, but one of the masked guys hit his head from the back. Blood spilled around and I couldn't move, or cry, or breath. His body was heavy when it hit the floor. I couldn't watch so I ran. Down the garden, through the steam, into the forest. Branches were cutting and tearing, and there in the fade moonlight my body started to be visible again. I jumped over a muddy road and fell over tripping on a trunk, before I hit the ground everything went black.

 I jumped over a muddy road and fell over tripping on a trunk, before I hit the ground everything went black

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Thank you so much for all the feedback. Let me know what you think about this chapter <3

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