20. The book

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"What?" asked Sicheng and his hands moved down my back.

But I was too focused on watching the light, that formed in front of the roll. It was like a screen and when I rolled it out further words appeared.


I read it in my mind and felt sweat forming on my body.

"What do you see?" asked Sichneg leaning over my shoulder and kissing it gently.

"There are words, it's a book, can't you see it, it lits up the room with blue light," I whispered and Sicheng shook his head.

"Guess only magicans can see it," he smiled and kissed my shoulder again.

"But I'm not..." I felt a strange thing forming inside me.

The old witch used this words to describe me. Kun put a lot of effort into making me his assistant, I read Taeil's past, found Kun's card, hypontized a man. Was I really talented? Was it all possible? I turned the necklace to read the next line.

All my knowledge

It was Kun's handwriting, and I felt my heart is hammering again.

"You can have it, I don't need it," Sicheng smiled and his lips moved to my neck. "Can we lay down again?" he asked.

"Sure," I muttered turning the necklace clockwise and the blue light disappeared.

I put it on the bedside table and returned to the position with my head on Sicheng's chest. My mind was racing like crazy and I wished he would fall asleep quicker. It took some time till his breath became steady and I moved up cautiously. I left the bed and found a hoodie, because the night was cold. I put my shoes on and hid the necklace in my hand as I walked through the dark house towards the tarrace. The long table was still there and I sat on one of the chairs. The stars were out and I turned the necklace when the bule light filled the space between my fingers.

I turned to the first spell page.

Burning cards

The tilte filled me with fire and hope.

For enemys, when you have no weapon, but cards.

Said the short description.

The text was very detailed and it said how to throw the cards so they caught fire and tuned into little loads on the way. The next pages explained how to use them as knives and bullets, and I felt the deck Kun had left me was a huge gift. These weren't ordinary cards and I knew it. I felt the same energy running through the necklace and the cards. Kun's energy the one that always made me feel safe, despite all the hate.

I spent the night reading and was dretermied to try out the spell on the next morning, but I returned to the bed when the first sun rays hit my face so Sicheng has never notcied.

I slept in, because of the sleepless night and all the drama of the previous days. Sicheng was sitting on the floor in a split when I entered the living room and Ten was glancing at him awkwardly.

"Will you show me the ballerina moves? asked Ten laughing loud. "Hello Adi," he greeted me.

"Hello I must go for a walk," I muttered.

"Without breakfast?" asked Ten.

"Yes" I slammed the front door shut and hurried through the lawn before anyone could see me. I found a clearing in the jungle about half a mile from the house and there I took the cards out. I concentrated on the spell and the purpose imagining the tree opposite me is Kun and I threw the card. It flew a few meters and landed on the grass and I sighed. The previous tricks always worked, but it was all because of Kun, him teaching me him being in danger. I shouldn't think about him but he was here again. In the book of spells in his cards, in my mixed feelings to him.

I concentrated to my target again and threw the next card. It landed even closer and I swore loud.

I hated it, how could I make it work. If I would see a enemy and then I remembered the people in masks, Doyoung falling by and arrow, Jae falling in the kitchen, and this disgusting high pitched voice, Fidia and her fiery red hair. I imagined they caught on fire and the next card moved with a huge speed when its end started to burn with orange glow. It hit the tree and it automatically stood in fire and I panicked. I grabbed the necklace and scrolled through the pages and found a spell. The jungle could have burned down.

Litting out fire

I read it in a super speed and used the spell. It worked at the third time and the fire faded leaving the tree devastated and the trunk was still smoking. I walked to it and saw the card that was stuck in the bark like if it had cut through it. I grabbed it and removed it, and it took some effort but the card was like new. I smiled to myself. Lesson one done.

 Lesson one done

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Much <3

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