27. The dance

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All lights in the bedroom were off when I came in two hours later, but I saw a shape moving in a trained and elegant way on the background of the night sky behind the windows. He made smooth ballet moves and glided along the floor like light. He was flying when his body seemed to use zeo effect to make splits in the air and flips. I stood there hypnotized by his insane beauty unable to move or speak. The rustling of the palm trees and the cicadas were the only music, but he had his own universe of sound inside him when he improvised to the silence. He noticed me, he must have but he kept dancing and I leaned against the door and watched. He was everything I had, the one I loved for ages, the most beautiful human, and all mine, why since he died on my eyes and was found alive he seemed like a phantom. Real, touchable, but like a ghost, or was it Kun, the hopeless crush I had. The reason of all bad, all pain, the reason of so much new so much action and light. I breathed in and Sicheng did a pirouette. The darkness of the room couldn't hide what he was doing when he was taking his clothes of slowly and I gasped.

What was it, where could I... all thoughts faded when the shape of him revealed bare skin and he kept dancing while I burned thanking the night that it's covering my face and his face. This was a show I've never expected to get, a poem of passion, pretty perfect moves and skin. My heart hammered loud when I moved closer towards him, all my guars down when he made a quick double turn and his hands fell on my neck. His lips burned, wet and silky, warm and passionate. There was no jungle, no house on a fake volcano, no magic tricks or past of regrets, when he has stripped off all fabric that was in the way between us. His lips traveled up and down to each possible place no matter how unforeseen and personal it was. I was falling after months without it it was realer than reality. The bed was falling apart, the sheets were steaming in the humid air or was it our passion, that made our skin turn into fire and give out flames. I guess some orange glows danced around the walls when everything I could do was please him more and get pleased beyond borders. There was a never ending battle of love and lust, a thunder storm in us and I burst out into lightnings so many times before the morning came and the night cooled down on my wet skin, and his hands and lips were pressed to my back.

It was difficult to get back to reality after what we did, to get to simple and pragmatic studies of the spell book. Sicheng's face turned a deep shade of purple each time when we looked at each other, and so did mine.

Two weeks later everything was ready for the show, and me and Sicheng became as close as in the old times, and it made me experience less pain because of Kun. The days of practices were cut buy sudden guests as Ten was really upset because Mr. Bacon couldn't find any proof for the existence of the volcano, so Ten hired a whole group of volcanologists from a university and they moved around the jungle doing measurements and taking samples from the ground, but somehow Ten agreed to leave the house for two days and go with us to see the show. He really nedded a distance to his madness, but when I tried to tell him it was just a fog spell he became even more grumpy.

The theatre was full when I stepped inside on Saturday night, a lot of people were curious to see if Kun's ex assistant is any good without his help. I feared someone from the gang might be in the crowd but I had found a shield spell in the book and spread it on the stage hoping it will hold their arrows and spells, but I was more then worried. Ten and Taeil were backstage and they wished me good luck and cossed their fingers when I stepped into the light and waved to the crowd.

A total silence welcomed me, and I saw hundreds of eye, curious, mad, disgusted. Sicheng ran behind me preparing a table with simple tricks. His hands were shaking and he nearly spilled the growth juice over the floor.

"Welcome to my show. There is no magic, right?" I tried to steady my voice. "But the art of illusion was created to answer the primordial craving of a human beings for a unnatural power, a strength that could make the impossible possible, like flying," I smiled and whispered the spell quietly and all the chairs in the audience trembled causing several people to scream as the seats began to move up from the ground and now a whole crowd was hanging in the air about a meter from the foor. A silence filled the room, then some applause.

"But please take your comfortable seats," I said stretching my hand out and the chairs sailed back and stayed at the floor in their normal position. "Let the show begin, but first meet my assistant Sicheng," I pointed at the boy who blushed when our eyes met and a heat moved trough me.

He bowed down and sent the audience his cute smile before he hurried to the table and took the growth juice.

I smiled when he ran to the audience and asked a young girl to come up and she was starting at him with excited eyes, causing me to feel a little jealous, but I knew he was all mine since ages so there was nothing to worry about.

Soon the girl got the growth juice and her legs started to grow longer till the top of her head touched the theater ceiling. The re-grow spell brought her back and Sicheng smiled adorably when he gave her some chocolate and assisted her to her chair.

We had a lor of fun performing more and more stunning spells and the audience was in euphony. I knew the show was good, I made it a little funny and a little unexpected, I knew I'm far from the strong charisma Kun had, that made people sitting at the edges of their sets, but he also played with all their fears and nightmares.

 I knew the show was good, I made it a little funny and a little unexpected, I knew I'm far from the strong charisma Kun had, that made people sitting at the edges of their sets, but he also played with all their fears and nightmares

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Hi, thank you for for all the support and love you give the story <3

How do you like the chapter? What do you think about Adi's first show and the hot scene between her and Sicheng? What do you think Kun will do now?

Much <3

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