21. The dream

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The spells bacame more complicated but the book was well written, so I was slowly going through it. I found a basement in the house, a huge room with long tables where I made my practice room. The other times I escaped to the jungle. Taeil begged Ten and so we could stay for a week and another one. We were so far away from the outer world, that the only thing left were this four walls and this three boys. At night I kept Sicheng away and he became miserable but I was too focused on the magic I learned.

The fog spell was the next one on the list and I was sitting over the book half the night to learn ech detail of the illusion. I remembered Kun used it a lot.

Makes you vanish and hide whatever you wish to hide.

Said the description underneath it.

One night I fell asleep with my head on the table while the necklace was giving out the blue light. And suddenly i walked through dark corridors with stone walls and floors. I remembered this place, the Chou Gang's headquater. The palce were they had kept Sicheng as a prisioner. Two people rose out of the dark in front of me and I stopped. One was a girl with fiery red hiar and the second one was Kun. I took a breath ready to ran or scream especially as they were holding hands.

"Can't you do one expection?" whispered the girl and Kun shook his head. "Do it with me at least one time and then I will be able to wait till the end of your training," she begged.

"I must concentrate on my magic, any distraction can mage a big difference in my powers, so you have to wait," he let go of her hands and she was sad.

"Why are you so stubborn?" she stomped and ran into the corridor, but didn't notce me and Kun never looked behind her.

He took a breath and moved into a huge room with a oval carpet in the middle and Chinese symbols on the walls. There was a mattress on the floor and he sat on it while I walked closer unnoticed. He wore all black, but the white sleeves of his shirt came out of the black sweater. He sat cross legged and closed his eyes and I guessed he was concentrating. And then I noticed a second matress on the floor right next to his. I shivered was it hers, but she told he she wants to get physically closer and he refused.

"Master," a male voice made me jump up and I saw a ugly boy who walked into the room and bowed down.

"Mexiang, have you prepared the show"?" asked Kun opening his clever eyes.

"Yes, it's all ready for your comeback," the boy bowed lower. "Should I prepare a common hypnosis for the audience" asked the boy.

„No, I will do my shows as I did it before no one should know what dark palce I've become," his voice was steady, but some muscles moved on his face and then he made a strange move as if he had heard something, and looked left straight at me.

I felt my breath is stopping in my lungs when our eyes met and then i felt like falling and something grabbed my arm. I tried to fight it off, but it didn't let go and I opened my eyes.

"Adi, it's a dream, its' me!" I heard a familiar voice and looked up to see Sicheng.

The sun was out and my neck and back were hurting from sleeping in this position on the table. Sicheng smiled to me and rubbed my arm.

"It was just a bad dream," he said.

"It wasn't actually bad," I muttered glancing around the basement.

I had collected a lot of plants and things on the tables, I made potions and stuff I needed for spells, and to my suprise I could find all the ingrediants in the jungle.

"Breakfast is ready and Ten is in a bad mood. He wants to kick us out tomorrow," said Sicheng and I got up.

Why was this guy so stubborn when it came to getting rid of us?

"He will change his mind," I walked up the stairs and got through the house.

"I want to live alone!" shouted Ten while Taeil seemed completely over.

"We will leave soon," I said and he looked at me. "Me and Taeil, we will drive to the nearest town and see what we can do," I said.

"Today?" asked Ten.

"Ok it can be today," I was so irritated when I slammed the front door shut.

I walked into the jungle and tried to calm down, while I practiced the spell in my mind. I found the clearing I had used for the card trick and soon I was moving my hand in the air and muttering the fog spell loudless.

Slowly some samll fog clouds appeared from the moose and filled the places bettween the trees. They were very transparnt but I dodn't expect to reach Kun's level at the first try. The dream about him felt so real. Was it my wish?Him rejecting Fidia. The boy in the dream has never slept with her and how I wished it was true. I knew it was shlefish as I did it with Sicheng in the past, but the thought of Kun doing it to someone, even kissing someone was too painful. But I was supposed to forget him so I concentrated on the fog and slowly it got thicker I smiled and looked around, and then a blue shape moved around me. It was butterfly with small wings, and I remembered this kind of deep sky like colour I had seen in Taeil's garden ages ago, and I had seen it on the stage during the first show night when everything began, so I shivered.

Was he here, was the Chou Gang plundering the house, had they killed them all, but the butterfly stopped and moved between the trees, and i felt a strange tingle some urge to follow it. Maybe I was hypnotized by it or just simply stupid, but I walked into the fog, further into the forest to a place where the trees were extremaly high, but eth fog cleared and the sun made everything spring green. The butterfly led, till it reached a blue bird with a silver tiara like feathers on it's head. I stopped when the bird opened it's beak and words appeared around me causing me to move back. Birds don't speak, but this one did.

"Adi," it whispered my name and I felt the vision of the room I entered in my dream is filling my head.

"Adi," it whispered my name and I felt the vision of the room I entered in my dream is filling my head

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Much <3

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