14. The old witch

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He has never returned to the sleeping compartment afterwards and we pretended nothing happened, when we meet in the morning, but the twisting feeling was still there.

Kun told me to wear comfortable shoes and we packed our backpacks, and left the train on a small station in a village. I wasn't sure if a express train has a stop there, but it did today.

"Have you ever changed your appearence with this spell?" I asked when Kun took a small path into the woods.

"A good magician doesn't need it," he smiled bright.

And we walked on between the huge trees. Two hours later the path faded on a glade and Kun stopped there. The birds were suddenly quiet when he scanned the space in front of us with his clever eyes.

"What do you see?" Kun whispered and I stepped back narrowing my eyes to find something between the trees.

"The illusion of invisibilty," he spoke while I felt I'm somehow back in the theatre.

He made me invisible in lightless palces and it saved my life a night later, when the gang attacked Sicheng's house.

But how did he knew they will come and that I will happen to be in the back of the garden? Things like this can't be planned of forseen. If he reads minds, sees the futre, has power and magic... but there's no magic. So I walked around the glade, till the light reflected strangely on some trees in front of me.

I stopped and lowered my head to observe it and suddenly a optical illusion fell and a samll house like the old witches house from a fairy tale appeared in the middle of the forest.

"There, it's a house," I smiled pointing at it.

"Go first," Kun was nervous.

His rat smile became even more fake, and I knew it happened whenever he was stressed out.

I walked slowly, till the house became bigger and I stopped on a small path from simple countryside road stones. The round door flew open and a lady with thick gray hair ran out. She looked at me and stopped. He great fury faded and she glanced at me, and blinked a few times.

"Impossible," she said.

"What?" I turned to Kun, who came closer and the lady looked at him and became red again.

"You have the nerve to come here?" she said and Kun stopped right beside me.

I felt his nervousness, all his muscles were tense.

"She needs your help," said Kun not looking at the lady.

"You killed my son yet you're here on my doorstep!" she raised her voice and I felt my insides turning.

I glanced at Kun, my hate and disappointment mixed with all the complicated feelings I had for him.

"Had he told you, of course not," the lady looked at me. "How he betrayed his master, and joined the Chou Gang giving them a opportunity to kill him," she held her head high.

"The girl needs your help, can we talk about that?" Kun's voice was calm, how could he keep a straight face in all of this.

"It's only because she's who she is," the lady sighed.

She turned around and walked to the house leaving the door open for us.

I felt shivers running through me.

"What have you done?" I asked but Kun ignored me and followed the lady into this strange place.

I needed a moment to follow. Last night in the train... Was it one of his awful spells? How could I ever imagine to kiss the monster?

I took a breath and walked into the house to find the strangest inside design ever. It really looked like from some phantasy movies, all the wooden furniture, the strange smells and colours, vials, and things, cauldrons.

"Close the door and sit," the lady looked at me and I did it.

Kun was sitting next to the oak table so I took a chair as far away from him as possible.

"What do you need?" the lady looked at me.

"The Chou Gang kidnapped her... the guy she..." Kun breathed in sharply and the lady looked at him awkwardly. "Nevermind, they put the heartbreaker spell over him," Kun spat the words out.

"Have you tried the 'drowning cat'?" asked the witch.

"Yes, it didn't work," Kun lowered his head and his cheeks became paler.

I felt I really don't want to know what a 'drowning cat' is and how many victims it took.

"There is this other way..." she started.

"I know the other way! But I need something ealse!" Kun shouted and I felt the situation is getting out of hand.

Should I ran before this two will start to clear the past out, but then the witch took a breath.

"I'll look through my spells, the lady disappeared in the house.

"It will take some time, you can go for a walk," said Kun and I shivered.

He wanted to get rid of me. Maybe it wasn't about the spell, and he used me to find the house and get inside, and now he will kill the lady, the same way he had killed her son.

"I'm not how you think I am," Kun looked at me and I breathed in.

I wanted to throw something at him. Mindreding me again? Asshole.

I jumped up and slammed the door behind me when I ran to the forest.

I walked around till I found a steam and some smooth stones on it's shore, I sat on one and watched the water flowing.

I should have never gone to this show. I would be home now, joking with Jae and kissing Sicheng secretly. Happy, in love... maybe in love.

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Thank you for the support? What do you think about this chapter, and new dark secrets from Kun's past? Will Adi ever find out the truth about him?

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