23. The battle

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I left the balcony and ran into the corridor, I ignored Taeil and his screams while I was flying like light down the stairs through halls to a long corridor backstage, and there he was running at me. We met in the middle and fell into each other's arms, I was there surrounded by his warmth, his smell, him. The skin of his neck was so soft when I buried my head into it.

"They killed Doyoung," I whispered. "He gave his life for Sicheng," the grief became so real and I knew only Kun could understand it fully he knew Doyoung better than anyone.

Kun breathed in sharply and his hands fell into my hair. I hugged him tighter sure I never wanted to let go and soon I glanced up at him and his hot fingertips fell on my face, when he caressed my cheeks gently.

"Why have you done it? Why did you leave us?" I asked looking straight into his eays and he shook his head, but in this moment something crackled behind us and his hands slipped off my skin.

"Go, leave, I don't want to see you ever again," he said moving away from me and I shivered.

"You don't..."

"I chose my side and it's the last warning next time I won't be that nice," he moved back through the corridor and I felt like falling.

His eyes said something so different from his words and I moved few steps away while he stopped and glanced at me.

The space batween us was vibrating with all unspoken feelings.

"Master," the boy's voice filled the corridor.

"Go back on stage," Kun turned around and moved to Mexiang, who somehow hadn't noticed me and when I looked at my hands I saw they were transparent again.

I ran back to the balcony and was told off by a furious Taeil.

He was mad, but I moved to the edge of the lounge and glanced down at Kun, he bowed in front of his crowd.

"There was this one show I will never forget," he said and the audience became quiet. "The night when I met someone who doesn't believe in magic, the rarest pearl in the sea, the only magician powerful enough to defeat me," he spoke and lifted his head looking at the balcony and I trembled.

"Come," Taeil grabbed my sleeve.

I took a breath and left.

Was it a part of the show or a instruction, Doyoung had known what he was doing when he had left me the necklace.

I was filled with thoughts when I walked to Taeil's car and we took the way back. Taeil was miserable, but I wondered how was it possible Sicheng couldn't see the book, while I was able to read it. Kun knew, he felt my enrgy the moment he saw me, but we never planned to fall and now we were parted by the choice he made, he was hers while I was Sicheng's, but his touch from moments ago made me all hot inside.

Taeil turned into the village and passed it, the forests started here and we were so close to Ten's home when we heard engines behind. I glanced in the mirror to see two black vans and Taeil swore.

"Stop the car we can't lead them to Ten!" I said when Taeil slammed the gas.

"No we will escape," he said and I observed how one of the vans slowed down and stopped.

"Taeil!' I shouted when the red curls of the girl I hated appeared on the road. The guy that was right next to her looked like Mexiang, he put his hand on the asphalt and muttered something in this moment the road shook causing Taeil to slam the breaks. I was nearly thrown on the front window when the car stopped.

"What now!" shouted Taeil, but I saw huge branches flying above the car and  jumped out.

The gang stepped onto the road opposite to us. They left the vans, but Kun wasn't there.

"Have you read 'Makbet'!" shouted Mexiang and I shivered glancing around where the huge gray trees became alive.

Eyes appeared in trunks and the branches and roots became legs and arms, and they moved straight at me and Taeil. I felt it's fury of the forest there was dark magic in play and I shivered. I grabbed the crads in my pocket, but there was no way I could set all the trees on fire, it would also make them more furious.

'Reality is an illusion... I met the rarest pearl in the sea, the only magician, who can defeat me.' Kun's words were in my mind and they mixed with Mexiang's mad cries about Shkespare's paly. But in the drama the army forst came to get the murder because of his crimes, and neither me nor Taeil had blood on our hands, but the gang had plenty of crimes.

"Run!" shouted Taeil who was pale, but I held my ground I concentrated on the energy inside me and it moved through my hands, so I raised it and shouted "Stop!"

The forest froze and Mexiang and Fidia's laughs faded.

"Now go and bring justice upon the real criminals," I sopke gently and the leaves rustled like touched by a wind. Taeil opened his mouth he was unable to move when the forest turned around and some of the gang memberes cried and ran to the vans, but the branches hit the car and the front windows shuttered. Fidia, Mexiang and a few more were throwing spells in the air, but nothing helped and all of them tried to move the van hopelessly.

"Now run," said Taeil who got back to his senses.

He jumped into the car and I moved behind him. I was about to get in when a black sports car appeared on the road and I stopped.

"We will meet behind the curve, I said and Taeil groaned but drove off.

I ran to the shelter of some bushes to watch the situation. One van was kicked over by a huge alder and Fidia tried to fight branches with a small knife. The black car stopped and Kun jumped out.

Hi, thank you for all the support also a big thank you to all the new readers, and of course to the ones who always support me :)

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Hi, thank you for all the support also a big thank you to all the new readers, and of course to the ones who always support me :)

How do you like the chapter? What do you think about Adi and Kun meeting again? I can say the next chapter will be very interesting.

Much <3

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