3. 60 seconds

904 61 19

The light hurt. It hurt my closed eyes. Was it a bad dream? I blinked. The perspective was horizontal as I was lying on the cold stone of the back tarrace. How could I get here? How? I moved up to see a body meters from me. Sicheng. His dark jeans and his legs, long and skinny.

"Sicheng," I spoke his name, but the silence was crazy.

There was dried blood on the glass door and on the white marble of the terrace floor. The lawn in the garden was covered with bodies some were still giving out dark smoke from the lit out arrows. My head spun and I nearly fell, when I tried to get up. I moved closer, closer to the kitchen, closer to him. My heart was pounding but all my senses were numb. There was he, his dark skin seemed pale and the dried blood covered his forehead. His beautiful eyes were closed in a scary way.

"Babe," I whispered looking down onto my blood covered hands.

I moved back nearly falling into the glass door. No, I'd never hurt him.

"It's a illusion. There is no magic!" I screamed.

But the silence was brutal. Soon I heard engines on the road to the facility and when I thought about it... All odds were against me. The only survivor with blood on her hands. I felt too sick to toss one last glance at him, so I ran. The same way as last night, between the bushes, far away from here.

The steam filled the platforms and I hoped it will cover me from the daylight. How had I ended here? Was it coincidence? Was it all planned? The train was sliver and long, the glittering wagons seemed like polished. My feet were numb, my heart was numb, I was walking like a zombie, step by step and I was probably looking like one, with torn clothes, messy hair, blood on my hands.

And like a nightmare he was there, carrying a casual bag, dressed in a brown jacket and a explorer hat, followed by the tall redhead who took care of all the heavy suitcases.

Some women squeaked and he waved to them smiling politely, and then his smile faded, when he noticed me. A moment later the steam became heavier, a thick fog, like a wall of milk, covered the platform and the silver train. I stopped and listened to all sounds. The people rushed in all directions, they became like dark phantoms in the not transparent air. One of them rose, till he started to be clear and reached me. I slapped him, I punched him hard leaving a red mark and blood from my hand on his left cheek.

He bit his lip.

"You knew! You know what happened! You did it," I said and hit his agian.

My hand tingled, but my anger was so great. It gave me the power to not to break into pieces and never be able to live again.

"What happened?" he asked piercing through my eyes.

"You're such a hypocrite," I snorted.

"Shall we?" the redhead came to us.

His eyes widened when he saw me, but Kun seemed unimpressed.

"I told you we'll meet again," Kun never lost his fake smile.

"You planned it all! You killed him. You killed them all. My brother and... My love," I hissed.

My voice became higher and cracked.

"The train leaves in 60 seconds you can join me or stay. It's up to you," he said walking past me to the door of the silver wagon.

I breathed in sharply.

"Why should I go somewhere with a filthy murder?" I said turning around.

"So I wish you luck with getting you name clear in a process," Kun touched the end of his hat, like if he would give me the last honor.

I had nothing to prove. Nothing, that could defend me. The conductor whistled and I felt a clock ticking in me head.

My body reacted quickly and I moved like light, when I closed the gap between me and the train. I reached the wagon and squeezed in, in front of the redhead. The doors closed moments later and I saw the cold long corridor.

"Compartment number 9," said the redhead and I walked looking at the small golden numbers till I reached a door, and wine red curtains behind it. I pushed it open and walked inside to find a spacious place with nice couches.

"I don't have a ticket," I said.

Kun was reading and he glanced up at me.

"In my world you don't need a ticket. Doyoung!" he looked at the redhead, who had reached this place and placed the suitcases on the shelves above us. "Find some fresh clothes and a towel for the lady, and show her to the bathroom, it's disgusting," Kun tossed a glance at my hands.

Whose blood was it anyway, definitely not my own. This thought nearly made me throw up on the floor but I breathed in.

Sicheng's pale face and the wound through his forehead became vivid, like scars burning on a night sky.

Kun slammed the book shut.

"Doyoung hurry up!" he said and the assistant opened one of the suitcases and looked through it quickly.

"Come," he said taking some clothes and a towel under his arm.

I moved, because moving was better than sitting. The train rolled and the sounds of the wheels on the rails was louder in the corridor.

The redhead moved quickly on his long spider legs. We reached the next wagon and he opened a door with a key.

"I'll wait outside," he seemed incredulous and his pupils moved in a nervous tic every time he tried to glance at me.

I grabbed the things out of his hands and slammed the door behind me. The bathroom was pokey and it was hard to keep your ground because of the train's movement, but there was a shower cabin in it.

Thank you to everyone who supports this story :) What do you think about the affair so far? Do you think Adi's right?

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Thank you to everyone who supports this story :) What do you think about the affair so far? Do you think Adi's right?

I dedicate this chapter to @suntaeil :)

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