33. The last magician standing

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Kun stopped and Fidia started to cry from laughter.

"The love spell my girl only works when the two magicians love each other and it's real true love from both sides," she laughed louder.

I looked into Kun's eyes. They were burning with the same fire like in the train, during our rides and the night in the harbor.

"So I won't fight," I said looking at him only.

A silence fall and Fidia's smile faded.

"Do you really think he loves you stupid girl!" shouted Fidia.

"Do you think he loves you?" I asked and she trembled.

"You bitch, he's mine!" she raised her hand and flames filled the stage flying my way.

I reacted but a card came flying and cut all of the flames turning them into dark steam the card fell and I saw it clear - 9 spades.

Fidia glanced at Kun with burning eyes, she needed moments to understand, how she and the gang were tricked and played.

"I'll kill you you piece of shit, you told me you returned, and all you did was for her, to, to remove my spell, you lying asshole, you filthy rat!" she wasn't thinking straight when she jumped on stage forgetting her own spell, Mexiang wanted to go after her, he grabbed her legs and fell over the line. Both started to toss spells towards us and Kun placed one hand behind himself. I saw Sicheng flying through the room and landing tugged to the wall like a doll, his head fell is if he was asleep and some glittering substance surrounded him like a bubble.

I looked at Kun and he nodded. We stopped next to each other while the furious gang members ran on stage one by one surrounding us.

"You can't win agains all of us, betrayer!" shouted Fidia.

Backstage Taeil grabbed Ten and they looked like they're about to faint while Taeyong touched the wood of the stage behind the line and whispered something, two fiery snakes appeared tangling along the gang members' legs and I counted to three in may head before I tossed the cards into Mexiang, Kun used a stone avalanche against Fidia while she placed many broken glass pieced into the air. The gang members fought from each side, the air became dark from spells, while Kun produced some fog that caused the people to remain shadows. I hit Mexiang with a burning card he screamed.

Who would have expected the tables to turn this way, some broken pieced were crumbling under my feet, I felt something painful cutting my arm and I shouted. Kun turned around. He sent a tiger out of his hand and and it jumped on a gang member pulling him along the wooden stage. I heard screams in the audience. My heart hammered loud. I avoided flying knives and chairs. Mexing spilled a violet substance on the floor. Fidias fiery hair appeared and I grabbed my cards again but I knew I would only be able to knock them out, but not really hurt them. A bullet went flying inches from my ear and I felt like a huge force slammed me through the room to the wall. I glanced up and saw Kun, his eyes were all dark and sad, his hand was up I tried to move but the wall seemed like a magnetic force that was holding me to it. I was thinking about spells while he closed his eyes.

I knew what he was going to do I was shouting shouting his name when he whispered a spell and suddenly a invisible force grabbed the gang members one by one by their throats, they were fighting buy their screams faded, their eyes went into their skulls and they fell in agony, one by one, I couldn't look and not look on the terribleness in front of my eyes. Fidia was begging with her last breath, Mexiang fell with eyes opened like Doyoung months ago I felt tears, hot and scary, running down my cheeks. Kun opened his eyed and looked straight at Fidia, she whispered his name begging for mercy but he closed his fist, her head fell and banged at the wood of the stage. He opened his hand, the line flew up like white powder and faded with the fog and cards, pieces of glass and every spell on this battlefield.

The fading fog showed the audience that was running away screaming, panic broke out in the theatre, and Kun raised his hand towards them and the screams got less, I knew he was erasing their memory. Ten was on the floor with Taeil both too weak to get up. Taeyong had his head low when he walked on stage. The bubble Sicheng was in slowly moved down the wall and opened. He woke up and blinked. He screamed seeing the shambles. Kun was standing stright his hands open and his head low.

I felt a touch like from a different world when Sicheng touched my arm pulling me to himself.

"It was the only way," whispered Kun not looking at me. "You are safe," he said.

Taeyong stopped next to him and they communicated with their eyes.

"You monster," I whispered to broken to think straight.

Moments later Kun looked my way and he and Taeyong disappeared vanishing into the air. The silence fell and I took a breath.

"Come," whispered Sicheng pulling me around the bodies backstage. We helped Ten and Taeil up and moved out, towards the lights, the city, the air.

No one spoke no one could. I clenched to Sicheng's arm like to the last hope I had. We moved for hours till we stopped and were good enough to go back home.

Thank you for all your support, I know this chapter was intense, but let me know what you think

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Thank you for all your support, I know this chapter was intense, but let me know what you think.

The story is slowly going to an end there are only 3 chapters left.

Much <3

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