25. The fake volcano

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We still shared the same bedroom, still cuddled and kissed and I wasn't sure what to do with it. There was still so much affection between us even if I might loved the other one.

"Find my card," I said grabbing a random card and hiding it again.

Sicheng bit his lip. He mixed the cards slowly and put them back on the table. He observed them carefully till he placed his skinny hands above them.

"It's strange," he muttered and I sat straight. "This one tickles my fingers," he touched a card an slid it to me across the table.

I shivered. Was it an illusion I wished to hear, but when I turned the card back I saw the one I drew and he glanced at me questioningly.

"It's my card," I said and he jumped up.

"So I'm your assistant," he ran around the table and hugged me tightly.

"I guess," I wasn't sure if i'm happy or not.

It meant we will spend even more time together and each time I was with him for longer we got so close. But Kun was with Fidia, probably, I tired to convince myself I'm not the bad one, when my lips melted in Sicheng's lips.

A moth passed and Ten got so depressed he packed his suitcases and tried to run away two times but Taeil took the car and drove him back. Sicheng was getting better with magic and he helped me a lot. I mastered the fog spell and a lot more, and at the end of the month Taeil called his manger and made a arrangement for a concert in a bigger town an hour drive from Tikbaku, and the man agreed on my short performance during the show. I was nervous during the silent morning when we ate breakfast inside. The thick fog I produced circled around the jungle and the hose and Ten glanced through the widow every few seconds. He was paler then ever and his plate was empty.

Sicheng was in a good mood. He packed our cothes and was exicted to go somewhere elese, he had spent the last three months in these house and got very bored.

Four hours later we were ready to go and Sicheng dragged my suitcases to the car. Taeil was running around the house doing some voice training and his nerves wer very wrecked because of the concert. I went out to help Sicheng with the luggage and the heat made me frustrated. I had removed the fog and the usual humid air and burning sun returned. We were slamming the trunk shut when a car engine sounded near and Sicheng got a little pale. I grabbed the cards in my pocket and glanced towards the road, a big lorry was coming our way and I stepped before Sicheng to protect him taking the cards out.

The car jumped on the bumpy road and stopped on the lawn, a man in very dirty trousers with a four days beard on his tanned face and a cigarette between his teeth jumped out and grinned to us.

"Kids where's the owner of tha pretty hut?" he muttered and the half burned cigarette move up and down beneath his teeth.

"Oh!" Sicheng opened his mouth but no words came out, but in this moment Ten ran out of the house smiling wide.

"Mr. Bacon so happy to see you," he ran to te man and shook his hand as if he was the biggest gift Ten has ever seen.

"Who's that?" whispered Sicheng.

I shrugged observing this weird scene.

"No worries boy, we get cha out of tha trouble," the man laughed in a deep and cartoon like way and spat the rest of the cigarette out on the lawn.

"That's disgusting," Sicheng grabbed the back of my arm.

"Who is this?" I asked raising my voice and Ten turned around.

"Do you really think I will let this happen to my house, no, no, no! I will get into the matter of things," Ten shook his head.

"What's supposed to happen to your house?" said a rather pale Taeil who appeared on the front stairs.

"Cha wifey and kids?" asked Mr. Bacon and Ten made a face between being slapped and choked at once.

Sicheng giggled and I tried to keep a straight face glancing at Taeil.

"Excuse me what?" Taeil was even paler.

"Pretty ugly tha woman there, but cha daughter and son turned out nice," Mr. Bacon eyed Taeil up and down and walked to the back of the lorry.

"I guess he needs proper glasses," said Taeil who was very offended and tured to me and Sicheng.

Ten blinked a few times but left the comment for himself.

"So Mr. Bacon can you find out where the whole steam is coming from, I guess the geyser must be somewhere in the garden," Ten swallowed as if nothing had happened and ran to the man.

"Geyser?" repeated Taeil glancing at me.

"Cha not worry ya little head about it," Mr. Bacon took some long pipes and strange instruments out of the trunk and threw them on the grass. "We'll find tha volcano," he tapped Ten's shoulder.

"Volcano? But, but I thought that's just.. just a tiny geyser," Ten became green.

"Cha told me lot of steam, so must be a underground volcano, under cha pretty hut," muttered the man throwing even more things on the lawn.

"I think we should really move out he went completely mental," Taeil was looking at his friend all worried.

I giggled and glanced at Sicheng. Ten thought the fog I produced was a geyser or some hidden volcano. I kind of wanted to tell him the truth now but it would take to much to explain and I guessed Mr. Bacon wasn't a person, who could handle anything paranormal so I decided to talk to Ten when we'll come back.

"Ten aren't you coming with us?" shouted Taeil.

"No. I have a underground volcano under my house," Ten clapped his hands over his mouth. "No way I'm going to go anywhere till this is cleared."

Taeil blinked a few times and sighed when he walked to the driver's spot.

Sicheng jumped on the backseat and I took the passenger seat. Taeil turned the key and the engine sprang to life, he looked miserable when he glanced at Ten and Mr. Bacon while we were leaving down the bumpy road.

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