24. The silver boy

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Kun was wearing his show clothes and he swore looking around, while Mexiang begged for forgiveness nearly crawling under the car, and I missed Doyoung so much, the clever sweet and kind assistant, who could handle worse by himself.

Kun left the gang and moved into the forest while the rest was still fighting with the furious trees, who tried to tear the vans and people into pieces, and I jumped between bushes, and followed. There was a clearing with a small lake, the water surface was dark in the night light and Kun knelt on the ground. He closed his eyes and stretched his hands out, and I saw how his muscles tensed. But 'dark magic needs drastic solutions', this were his own words and I knew he was preparing to toss a dark spell.

I moved further away and waited, while my hair rose up and goose bumps appeared. Kun took a deep breath and touched the ground whispering a spell, soon white light flew through the space. The surface of the lake became silver and then I heard rustling between the trees. Kun glanced up and we saw it in the same time, a dark figure of a boy who stopped on the opposite side of the lake. Kun jumped up but it was too late. I covered my mouth to not to scream when the spell hit the boy and threw him meters through the ari. He hit the ground and Kun seemed like frozen, while the spell moved through the forest, but stopped inches from my feet. It turned left and moved towards the living trees while Kun ran around the lake till he reached the boy.

The whole forest became silver like the moonlight and I saw that the black hood has fallen of the boy's head revealing the face I had seen this morning in the shop, but his fluffy brown hair was suddenly all white. I shivered while Kun knelt over the boy and laid his hand on his face muttering quick spells. Soon the boy's chest moved up and he opened his dark eyes glancing around.

"Calm down," Kun spoke gently and pressed his chest to the ground to stop him from moving.

"You," the boy's eyes widened.

"What's your name," asked Kun and the boy blinked.

"Taeyong," he spoke but in this moment Kun put his hand over the boy's face muttering one more spell.

The boy closed his eyes then opened them again. He sat up and touched his head.

"Who are you? Who am I?" he shouted.

"I'm your friend. Your name is Taeyong," said Kun who moved away from the boy.

"Why can't I remember a thing?" Taeyong sat on the white-silver ground.

"You're a magician's assistant, come I'll explain later," Kun got up and the boy needed a second to follow him around the lake.

"Magic, really?" he said looking around in disbelief.

But Kun kept quiet when he walked to the vans while the trees past him and the boy, and returned to the spots they were growing in for centuries. I felt I'm so over. Kun's figure became distant and my stomach moved my feet tingled. I wasn't in love for ages, since the nice time with Sicheng, but now... I walked back to the road and behind the curve where I found a angry and scared Taeil.

"Let's go back," I said and jumped into the car. He drove of but I knew he was so disappointed with me, but all I could think of was Kun.

He hit the boy with a bad spell by accident and than he healed him and took care of him. The good and bad side were so deeply connected in him as day and night, and before I noticed my hate was my love, my life an illusion and my friends strangers, while his darkness was the only light.

I leaned my head on the seat. He was the only light.

"Cockroaches, and rats?" Ten was disappointed, he walked from one wall to another. "But it means you won't ever leave, so I need to move out," he was about to cry.

"We will leave soon. Taeil will make a concert and I will perform a magic show on it," I said and Taeil looked at me with wide eyes.

"Wait, a magic show?" Ten opened his mouth. "But you have no idea about it," he said.

"Are you sure?" I raised my brow and Sicheng laughed.

"We will see if people will like it and if they do I might do bigger shows," I said.

"You want to be Kun's concurrence!" shouted Taeil.

"What Qian Kun the magician?" Ten opened his mouth.

"She was his assistant," Taeil gave in.

"I can do as good as him," I said and Sicheng applauded. "But I will need a assistant."

The evening golw filled the basement through the top windows. I was sitting there at a small table waiting, the cards right in front fo me. I heard  a knock and soon the house owner sneaked in.

"And will you move out soon?" there was so much hope in his eyes.

"That's possible," I said and pointed at the chair.

He sat on it and smiled wide.

"You must find my card," I said handing the deck to him.

"So what's the trick?" he asked the same question I asked Kun in the orangery, and a shiver ran through me.

"There is no trick, reality is an illusion," I repeated my enemy's words. "You have to find my card."

"That's impossible," Ten blinked.

"Just try," I grabbed a random card, glanced at it then put it back. "Try," I said and Ten blinked again.

He shuffled the cards and put them back.

"That's impossible to find your card," he said.

"Try," I was so serious, I felt like Kun as cold and unpleasant to reach my goal, to find the piece of talent I was looking for.

Ten shuffled the cards again, put them upside down, watched each for ten long minutes and gave in.

"Ok, ask the next to come," I said when he jumped up.

"But you will move out?" he glanced at me.

I stayed silent and he was less happy when he left the room.

Soon Taeil came in and sat across me. The atmosphere between us was always tense as I rejected him badly and he could't forgive me. I asked him to find my card and he shuffled the cards for a few moments then picked a random and threw it on the table.

"That's not my card," I said.

"I don't care," he sprang up and left the room slamming the door behind him and leaving me in a uncomfortable silence, but soon Sicheng came in a his lovely smile calmed my nerves down.

"Will it be funny?" he asked sitting across me and I felt how his foot moved towards my leg under the table.

"Will it be funny?" he asked sitting across me and I felt how his foot moved towards my leg under the table

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Hi thank you for the support:)

What do you think about the chapter? Do you think Sicheng will be Adi's assistant?

Will her show be successful?

Much <3

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