8. The black arrow

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Two weeks passed and I trained with the redhead each day. He talked a lot, but never about Kun or his past. The shows became more complicated and I did a few more tricks but Kun never talked to me, but Taeil did everything to make me fall for him, which I rejected, even if it was hard. Soon the evening of the ball was there and I had a Cinderella like dress, and sliver shoes when I entered the limo with Kun, and the redhead. Taeil wanted o have a car for us, but Kun said it won't look good in the public eye, so I was stuck here between Doyoung, who was complaining that his piggy pink tie doesn't match the boar fur shoes and the awful brown checked jacket, and Kun who wore this fancy dark blue suit and showed me how much he doesn't want me to be here with his face expression.

The limo went through the town and I wished to be anywhere but here where the redhead started to change ties, it turend out he took a whole bag with him.

"You look awful in anything," I said and he tossed me a angry glance.

He looked like he's about to bite so I left it and tried to look through the window, but one was covered by Doyoung's hands and the second one had Kun's profile in the way.

"Don't do anything stupid," muttered Kun when we finally left the car.

"Like what?" I asked.

"You know what I mean," he pressed his hands in his pockets and hurried up the stairs.

The palace of the count was huge and I hoped it's huge enough, so I could spend a evening without Kun and the redhead.

We entered the ballroom and bowed to a few important people, shook a lot of hands and then I was free to go so I looked around to spot Taeil, who smiled to me. He looked stunning as always in the black suit and bowtie. He came closer and kissed my hand.

"My I ask you for a dance?" his eyes were burnig and my stomach twisted.

I can't, I love someone ealse, even if he's...

I breathed in sharply.

"Sure," I put the smile back. Taeil grinned wide he had  a precious face of a good man.

I was half a head taller than him in these high heels but I never cared less, when we started to swing to the music, his hands on my waist my hands around his neck.

My glance move around the room where the redhead tried to flirt with two girls who were hopelessly staring at Kun. The migican was moody with a cloudy face and a champagne glass in his hand, which he sipped like poison. I really never pitied him, he deserved worse, so I smiled and enjoyed the moment because it felt flawless.

Taeil smelled intoxicating like magic and his touch was so nice.

"I'm glad you accepted my invitatoin," Taeil smiled.

"It was nice," I tried to hide the feelings he caused.

"I was afraid you don't like my music after you ran out of my recital," he said.

"No it was amazing your voice is amazing." I whispered. "But this was such a sad song about love and I remembered..." I choked.

"Oh, your lover, he's a lucky man," Taeil smiled in a sad way.

"He's..." I run out of words.

I've never spoke it out loud it would mean it.

"I wish I could have a chance. He's not here he never visited you never called," Taeil spoke louder and his grip tightened.

"I know," I looked away but he stopped to dance and grabbed my chin.

"I could make you happy," his soft voice filled my ear his breath was hot against my skin.

I glanced his way and spotted his big lips inches from mine his eyelashes closed and his head leaning in.

I could fell the raising heat and the touch was inches from my lips, when I turend away.

Sicheng's pale and blood covered face was like a callback to reality and I shivered but in this moment someone pushed me to the floor, and I heard a whiz where my head was seconds ago.

Some people screamed, the music stopped and I turned around to grasp the situation. Taeil was standing frozen like a statue with a opened mouth, while Kun was pressing me to the cold floor, and a burning arrow was stuck in the handrail of the stairs meters from us.

A burning arrow, black at the end, exacty the same one as the one that hit Jae.

But there was something forming and glittering at it's end, so I pushed Kun from me and moved up. Like in a trance I walked to the stairs and leaned above the arrows' end and... A screen moved out of nowhere showing a video that made me fall on the floor again.

Sicheng, pale but with no wound on his head, his hands tight and his eyes filled with fear, held in some dark room with gray walls and then the screen faded, and disappeared, a moment later Kun was next to me.

"What is it!" I shouted.

"Not here," he whispered helping me up.

"What is it, what creepy illusion!" I was trembling.

"I said not here!" Kun raised his voice and I felt like slapped.

Taeil ran to us but the redhead blocked his way and they began to argue while Kun dragged me upstairs to a huge room with golden furniture.

"Tell me!" I was so over.

"What have you seen?"

"You know so why do you ask!" I pushed him when he tried to grab my hands.

"What have you seen?" his vioce was calm and demanding.

"Him, they had Sicheng they tortured him, kept him in prison. I saw it! I saw how they killed him! It's an illusion!" I sobbed louder.

All the feelings I was keeping inside for weeks suddenly were here again.

The door opened and Taeil and the redhead stormed insid.

Taeil had heard the last sentence I spoke and stopped shocked.

"Your boyfriend is dead?" he asked. "You told me..."

"I still love him so it doesn't matter if he's...'"

"Alive," muttered Kun.

"What!" I looked at him.

"He's alive," Kun looked away.

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Thank you for all the support. It means so much. What do you think about the big news in this chapter? What will Adi do?

Much <3

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