P. The Illusive

551 20 20

I trued around, opened the door, Kun was so shocked his book fell on the floor when I jumped at him closing him my arms. A moment later his hands were in my hair on my waist, sweet kisses along my neck and face. I pressed our lips together. Everything melted, the train started to roll but I never cared. He raised his hand the curtains in compartment 9 closed while we fell on the couch kissing endlessly. I pulled on the sleeves of his sweater, lifted it over his head, kissed everything I could reach, lips, neck, shoulders, chest. We couldn't think we couldn't stop, the flame that was burning for so long, we were denying foe ages. Slowly he lifted my clothes, his fingertips were hot and cold.

"I've never done it," he whispered and I felt like falling harder.

"It will be amazing," I said so shocked a man like him had spared himself for so many years.

Before we could blink there was nothing but skin, safety, and quick kisses. Our breaths became heavier I dug my fingers into the fabric of the couch and he inhaled sharply. Our lisps and bodies melted while we were making love unable to stop and the train was rolling off...



Blue IllusionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz