16. The two-faced man

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"Hello, Doyoung are you here?" I called the redhead entering the dusted room at the back of the theatre where two days ago Kun performed the faringario spell. It seemed like years had passed.

"Is it you Adi?" my heart jumped, when I heard Kun's voice and it jumped twice when he appeared in front of me. I needed a second to grasp, that it's in fact Doyoung, who still looked like Kun, so I took a breath.

"Awkward I know, I still can't adjust," Doyoung smlied with Kun's nice smile. "You're back really quick," he said and I felt I'm not taking it anymore, so I ran to him and hugged him.

He was shocked, but hugged back a moment later. He smelled different than my jacket and I hated myself for doing it instead of the moment I could have in the train, with the real Kun.

"Adi what's up?" asked Doyoung and I shivered.

I took a breath and let go of him.

"Kun went to the Chou Gang," I whispered and Doyoung opened his mouth.

"What?" he asked and I saw how Kun's pretty eyes nearly jumped the way Doyoung's did.

"He told me to tell you he went to Fidia, to talk to her about the spell because she did it to Sicheng," I felt each word is making me more worried. "He told you to bring Taeil and Sicheng back to normal, and that he will remove the spell from you later. He is supposed to meet us here in two hours, actually an hour now," I glanced at the clock behind me.

Doyoung trembled. He walked through the room and I saw he was thinkng hard. Suddenly his face went even paler.

"Stay here, I will go back to Taeil's and remove the spell. Here is a secret staircase that leads stright to the opposite street," Doyoung walked towards the mirror and moved his hand behind it, and a the wooden wall next to it sprang open. "Hide here and don't go out, utill I or Kun come back. If anyone ealse appears ran to the villa. Has Kun told anything ealse?" Doyoung looked at me.

"No," I shook my head and the redhead hurried to the trunk and took a few things out. 

"Ok so hide now, I'll close the passage now, you will hear everything," he said.

I took a breath and did what he said. I found myself in a dark and narrow place. The light from the room showed very round wooden stairs, that were leading down. I felt my heart is hammering loud, but not as loud as when I shook Kun's hand in the train.

His last words to me crossed my mind and I squeaked.

"What?" asked Doyoung.

"He told me if something goes wrong Taeil knows where to hide."

"And this is nothing," complained Doyoung and I shrugged.

"He's a great magican right?" I said rather to convince myself.

"But this is the Chou Gang," Doyoung opened his eyes wider.

"You said Kun rescued you, how?" I asked.

"I was from a very poor and bad family, and I nearly ended up on the street, but then Kun had found me and made me his assistant. I was chased by two men on a dark night, one had a knife and I happened to fall into a stranger, who raised his hand and turned both men into small black mice. This was the moment, when I believed magic exists," Doyoung shook his head.

"There is no magic Doyoung," I said. "Kun also doesn't..."

"I know what's between you, I wonder who will break first," Doyoung smiled.

"There is nothing," I blushed, but Kun's face faded, when Doyoung closed the secret passage and I was left in total darkness.

I heard his footsteps, when he left and everything went silent.

I waited and sat on the first step, my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I felt bored. What was Doyoung thinking? Something between us, what - hate? My cheeks blushed. Ok maybe there was a little more than hate, respect, some strange trust, even a kind of friendship... and he was handsome and smart. Way to handsome when he had the nice smile...

The door crackled and steps filled the room. They walked to the middle and stopped and I shivered. Was it him, was he bringing good news, or bad ones?

I was about to move up when a vioce spoke.

"Why are you so quiet lock them out?" this was a woman's voice high and sharp.

"Fidia they aren't here," now Kun spoke and all the hair on my body got up.

"Maybe use a spell your stupid assistant is clever, you had taught him," she spoke again and a third voice giggled in a mad way.

"They aren't here," Kun emphasised each word.

"I can use a spell to double check," she walked closer and I moved up taking quickened breaths.

What was he doing here with her, and more of them? "He betrayed his master and watched how they killed him," the old witch's words rang in my ears.

Had he lured me here and will he do the same thing, watch while his ex will torture me?

"Leave it," Kun spoke louder.

"Do you think we will believe you only because you returned?" she said and I felt I'm going to fall off the stairs.

Returned? How could he? After all we've been through.

"Let's burn the house!' shouted a man's vocie and some other people laughed, there were a lot of them and I took a breath.

I tried to make zero noises when I slipped down a step and another. Each move was painful and scary. My heart jumped to my throat and I felt I'm not able to take the effort the escape was, but step by step I was lower.

The door above me opened when I was half the way down and I froze.

The door above me opened when I was half the way down and I froze

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Hi, Thank you for all the support and feedback :) 

What do you think about the chapter, about the thing Kun did? Why?

The next chapter will be very dramatic.

Much <3

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