Chapter 5

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I immediately feel relieved when Katerina called me the other day to inform me of Silas's whereabouts. Apparently he had other stuff to deal with in Mystic Falls like getting his magical abilities back in place of his vampire like ones. He is unaware of my awakening and my current location, so for now I am safe and can focus on the task at hand. 

Pushing any thought of another threat out of my head, I decide to leave my room. I know everyone is wanting to see who enters the tournament today, so I bet everyone is watching it all unfold right now. 

I walk over to the room where the Goblet of Fire is held and sit down on one of the seats by myself. I wish I could enter since it would be easy and fun but I'm not 'old' enough. I hate rules. 

I am technically older than anyone here but since I decided to be considered a 5th year, I would raise suspicion when I would easily be able to cross the strong age line that Dumbledore had created.

After some quiet moments that left me simply observing everyone here, one of Durmstrang guys, Viktor Krum, comes in with his group of friends following suit. With a proud look on his and Igor's face, Viktor steps across the age line with ease and puts the piece of paper with his name on it in the goblet. As the paper hits the flame, the color lights up to signify him entering his name. 

Everyone in the hall cheers loudly for the possible champion while I clap quietly, not really wanting to show support. There is an exchange between him and one of Harry Potter's friends, Hermione Granger. He smiles her way while a bright blush appears on her face. Most people have already turned away by now but it is obvious to anyone who saw it that Viktor has his eye on her.

I do have to admit; Hermione is a bright witch, so I'm glad there is at least one person in this room who takes magic completely seriously. Magic is not all fun and games, even though it is pretty fun, but so many young witches and wizards are so naïve with their magic.

I think about how once Harry has obtained everything I need, I will have to ask him a favor in order to fulfill my plan. I admire the Golden Trio's friend group since they always look out for one another with complete support. My siblings used to be my best friends, so there is something about their friend group that reminds me of the good days. I would not mind some people to talk with like that, so I want to befriend her as well, which leads me to getting up out of my seat to walk over to her.

"Hello, Hermione." I flash her my signature smile as she looks up from her book. She still looks flustered from Viktor's attention on her, which is quite comical. 

"It's Alexia right?" I nod my head in response to her question. "How are you doing?" She asks nicely. She seems a little timid talking to me but nonetheless is not too frightened of me as she makes small talk. This is slightly surprising considering I am a Slytherin and all.

I answer her latter question verbally, "I'm doing fine. I know that you must be doing great considering what happened with Viktor Krum a minute ago." I give a look to her as I say these words because it is so obvious that the two have a crush on each other.

And with that her face turns bright red like when it did when Viktor smiled at her. "You saw that?" Yes Hermione, I see everything I need to.

I nod my head again, "he seems interested in you, so you should definitely talk to him!" Wow, it seems so weird to actually have normal...what is it called nowadays? Oh right, 'girl talk.'

She shakes her head with a slight franticness as she rushes her words, "no, I cannot do that. I wouldn't know what to say to him or how to talk or-" Shame that she doesn't recognize her talents and or even uses them to help boost her confidence in herself.

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