Chapter 2

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We reached the corridors and i yelled out her name but no one seemed to hear. Jai opened up the doors to each room and scanned the rooms but she was nowhere to be found.

We reached the end of the long corridor and i opened up the door which leads us outside. I stepped outside with tears blurring my vision.

“We are in the 21st century” Jai said.

“Yeah, so? What’s that got to do with anything?” i snapped.

“We are legible to small devices known as Mobile phones or radio receivers.”

“Yeah so? - Oh right my cell phone!” i searched my pockets for my phone and then realised that i had left it back in that room.

I gave Jai that sad look and at that, he took out his own phone and called Kat a numerous amount of times but she didn’t pick up.

I snatched his phone off of him and decided to call her up myself. As i did, somebody picked up at the second ring.

“Hello?” The guy’s voice spoke.

“Where’s Kat? Who’s this?”

“Zoya? Is that you?”

“Asher!” just as Jai heard me say Asher’s name he took the phone from me.

“What are you doing? Are you on Campus?” he asked him. After a minute or so Jai started walking towards the front gate i was confused so i followed him out. He walked into the car park. There was a hockey stick attached to the side of Coach Terri’s Mercedes which Jai took off. He walked around to Asher’s convertible and before i could say or do anything he smashed the windscreen and broken glass shattered all over the place. I quickly covered my face to block any bits.

“Jai!” i walked up behind him but then he smashed another window and another!

He threw the stick onto the ground and murmured to himself ‘That ought to keep him here for a while” with a smirk on his face.

He walked off away from me but i ran up to him and pulled hard on his T-shirt.

“What the hell was that for?”

“Why now what’s your problem, it’s not like i smashed your windows.”

“I know but that was Asher’s car and you knew that! He’s your cousin; you both were closer than brothers, what happened?”

“I grew up, i got over it. You broke up with him; you need to get over it too.”

And with that, he walked away from me. With every step he took further and further away from me. The wind caught up in my throat, holding me back from saying anything. The tears in my eyes flung out streaking my cheeks with such warm.

Was it time that i try to forget? Was it time i try to get over it? Was it finally time to not give him the satisfaction he gets everytime we break up and whenever he decides to come back, im always standing there waiting for him?

A voice calling my name then interrupted my thoughts. The second time they called my name out was when i finally realised it was Kats voice. I turned around and ran up to her, embracing her in a breathtaking hug.

“You stupid stupid girl! Where were you?”

“Hey i thought you were the stupid one.” She said, a smile playing on her lips.

Seeing her smile brought an own smile to my lips.

“I saw him, it made my day better.” She said

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