Chapter 21

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“Zack. The headquarters have found out.”

“Found out what?” Zack tried his best to sound confused.

“You know very well what im talking about. They found out that you’re in ties with creatures other than vampires.” Alex suppressed.

“Look, Alex. They don’t know yet that I know about them. After I get close enough to them I will hand them over myself. Don’t worry, I took an oath I will not let my tribe down on any circumstance, not even for family.”

Alex looked carefully over Zacks’s calm expression. She had to trust him as he had never let his tribe or the immortal hunting headquarters down. “Well fine, but your mission is taking much longer than usual. The headquarters came hold of some witch business going on by the farmhouse right after you went in to help out Rose Sommers. And then immediately the headquarters informed me to come and find out what it is. But now as I see your mission is all green lights, continue on and call me when you need me.” Alex said and got up from the sofa and headed straight for the door as the door closed behind her, Zack cradled his head in his hands. But then the door opened up again and there stood Alex with a cold expression.

“Where's Selena?” she asked alarmed.

“Where's Rose!” Zack immediately stood up straight and ran to the front gate and there was no sign of Selena nor Rose.

He was just standing a distance from Alex when she came up to him holding her index finger in his face. “Zack Khan! This better not be one of your tricks!” she screamed.
“Now why the hell would I send my Girlfriend down with my psycho ex who’s a vampire?”
Alex flinched at the word ‘girlfriend’ but she immediately turned away. Zack noticed but he just ignored it.

Zack got his phone out and dialled Roses number.
“Where the hell did you go?” he screamed as soon as she picked up.
“Zack, mom. She's here. She's dead.” Rose said crying out loud.
“Where are you? And where is Selena?”
“Im at some old house in a basement. Selena was here with those people Kat and I found in the forest with but they left, I don’t know where they went. I couldn’t stop them. Im sorry I just-“
“Im on my way.”

Zack reached for his car door when Alex grabbed his wrist.
“Don't bother, Selena and her minions escaped. Now let me go and get Rose she found her mother dead.”

Alex let her grip loosen and Zack knew exactly where he was going to find her.

After he reached the old house he ran down the basement and found Rose hugging onto her mother’s dead body. As she looked up at him her eyes filled with tears. She got up and pulled on Zack’s collar.
“You knew my mother had something to do with this! What! Why did she end up in this state why?”

Zack realised that there was no choice for him to hide this from Rose any longer so he began explaining, “Your mom was part of a witch clan. She wasn’t a witch but she was training to become one. It was her fascination after she found out about her ancestors who were witches. She heard that because it runs in her family, if she gave birth to a girl then her daughter was to also become a witch.  She made her decision so she could help bring you up. As she was the only daughter born to her parents it was for sure that it would be you to be a witch.”
“But im not a witch at all.-“Rose stated off.
“Yeah, about that.. your mom wasn’t the only daughter born to her parents. She had an older sister who was given up for adoption because her parents did not want their child to have anything to do with this.”
“Zack I feel as though you know something but you aren’t telling me.”
“You're mom’s name, Carol Collins before marriage and then Carol Sommers. Kat’s mom’s name, Diana Collins before marriage and then Diana Malik. Kat is a powerful witch.”
Rose’s head span around like crazy, “Zack what the hell, get to the damn point.”
“Kats mom is your mom’s older sister.”

It took a long while for Rose to take the entire information in. “But, why did any of that lead to mom being dead?”
“Misunderstanding. It’s always misunderstanding. Before marrying your dad, your mom fell in love with another man, a vampire. It was against all witches to ever fall in love with a vampire. She made that mistake so she got married to your dad. Selena’s vampire tribe worked under that man whom your mother had fallen in love with, after your mom left home, she came back here. Days ago, an argument broke out. The man was killed, and your mother too.”


“The map is here. Time to go camping guys.” Claire sang around with a large paper in front of her face.

“But the battle- wait, are we even ready?” Asher trembled.

“Oh Asher, stupid stupid Asher. Just days ago you were so confident that you could kick immortal ass. What's wrong now?” Kat smirked.

“Nothing. I was just wondering if YOU were ready, cause if you back out then we all DIE.” Asher smiled over at Kat who poked a tongue back at him and a certain finger..

“Hey guys where’s Jai?” Zoya asked walking into the living room.
“Shouldn’t you be the one with the answer to that?” winked Kat.
Claire rolled her eyes, “He’s in the gym room.” She said.

Zoya walked into the gym room and found Jai doing push ups on the ground. She walked up and stood directly in front of him. As his eyes followed up her figure he stood up.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” he asked.
“I don’t know I started missing you.” Zoya replied with a cute look on her face.

Jai rolled his eyes and asked her what she wants. Zoya looked offended.

“Can I help with anything?” Zoya asked and went to sit on one of the exercise machines.

“Well...” Jai smirked and hovered over Zoya and kissed her on her forehead.

“Mr Chambers so what's on your mind?”

Jai stole a quick kiss and lifted Zoya up and laid her down on the floor. Zoya looked confused and put her hands on her stomach. “Okay so you just put me on the floor, nice.”
“Well you're the one who wanted to help me.”
“Uh how exactly is this helping you?” Zoya said still lying flat on the ground.

Jai slowly climbed on top of Zoya, his legs slightly spread as Zoya's legs were together, and he put both his hands of each side of Zoya’s head. He pushed himself off of the ground in a push up position and began his exercising with Zoya smiling underneath him. Each time he pushed up and went down he would steal a kiss from her lips.

“Ahem!” Kat cleared her throat standing in the doorway.
“Go away red riding hood.” Jai snapped at her and turned back around to Zoya who was smiling.
“Jai.” Zoya moaned trying to get him off of her but he wouldn’t move.
Then jai started tickling her and Zoya let out a loud burst of giggles.

Jai stopped when Claire also approached the doorway with a concerned look on her face.
“What's wrong?” said Jai as both him and Zoya got up on their feet.
“We have a guest...”

Jai, Zoya and Kat approached the living room to find Asher sitting next to... be it Zephyr or Javed.
The way he was shaking and playing with his fingers and looking at his feet with Asher’s hand on his back, Zoya figured that it was Javed. He seemed scared.
“Javed..” Zoya spoke and headed off to him just when Claire pulled her back. “Wait, I’m not sure if this is Javed or not, Zephyr is mind blowing at changing appearances.”
As Kat walked in and stood in front of Javed he also got up and was about to pull her into an embrace when Kat stepped back. Javed seemed startled.
“Kat?” he spoke as though he could not believe what had just happened.
“How do I know who you really are?” Kat spoke as tears swam in her eyes.
As Asher saw that, he put a hand on Javed’s shoulder and spun him around with such speed and punched him really hard.
“FUCK!” Javed shouted out as bright red blood swam out of his nose.
“Yep that's Javed. Zephyr doesn’t bleed out like that; his blood oozes out sparkling silver because of all the magic Ariana has been doing on him in the past years. Sorry mate.” Asher said patting Javed on his back.

Without a word, Kat pulled him into a tight hug.

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