Chapter 24

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The stupid pregnancy pain had kicked in again! God damn the aggravating shit i have to deal with when i swore i wasn’t dreaming when i saw Mason standing right before my eyes.

“Zee!” someone shouted and clutched my arms. I opened my eyes and yet to my disbelief it was him! He was making contact with my skin, his ruffled dark brown hair and his deep tone, it was all real!

“Mason.” I spoke holding myself together.

“Yeah Zee it’s me.”

I took in deep breaths and maintained my stability. It really was him. I began crying and just couldn’t stop hugging him. Kat was just so happy. She cried out of joy.

“How?” finally Jai said something after staring at Mason.

“Hey mate,” Mason smirked and pulled Jai into a hug.

Finally with all the meet and greet done, Claire explained to us about how she had met another witch and she took a risk and decided that this was the spell she wanted that witch to do and astonishingly it had worked! She had bought Mason back from the other side. But he wasnt her for good there was some kind of consequence to it. There was still hope that other than this immortal stuff there's a chance we can still be the same.

“Yeah dude do not hug me,” Asher said as the usual jerk he is.

“Yeah nah i won’t hug you, i might as well punch your face for breaking Zoya’s heart again, aye?” Mason eyed Asher as Kat pulled Mason into another tight embrace and told him how much she missed him.

“Yeah well, you should see her! She's acting like she's been glued to me recently! The girl just can’t get enough of me!” Asher said standing up broad.

“Okay okay look Mr. Jerk, i don’t know whatever happened to me this morning but I’d be glad if i didn’t have to see neither yours nor Jai’s face for the rest of this trip,” and then i huffed and flicked back my hair.

“Yep she's back now..” Asher said quietly but i heard him.

“So wait who’s the other witch you're talking about? Is she like those olden day witches?” i asked Claire curiously.

“Actually she's 16 only, her name’s Nadia.”

Hmm i laughed out loud as i remembered my cousin Nadia, my mom’s sister’s only daughter. Who went to Zephyrs College, the same as Asher. And she was 17 too but definitely not a witch.

“Next you're gonna tell me her name was Nadia Jane and she has black hair.” Asher said reading my thoughts and he let out a small laugh.

“Uh yeah.. Her surname is Jane and she has black hair.” Claire said looking at Asher confused.

Asher shot a look back in my direction and shot a look at Zack who also seemed equally confused.

Zack got out his phone and swiped through many pictures and found a picture of Nadia and i at my 17th birthday last year. “Is this the girl who you're talking about?” Zack asked Claire.

“How do you know her?” she stared blankly.

“She's my cousin. That's how.” I quickly added.

“So you and Zack had a witch in your family but you had no idea about it?”

What. Nadia’s a witch? Oh lord. Like there already wasn’t much to deal with, i just found out that my cousin brought back my best friend from the dead. Okay, weird.

“Note to self, stay away from both Nadia and Kat.” Asher spoke to himself and Kat punched his arm and said, “Yeah be grateful that Zoyas carrying your child in her womb or else her vampire hunter brother would have killed you by now,” and she smiled.

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