Chapter 26

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Two days later; we were finally standing in front of the grand view of Zephyr’s palace.

Claire kind of forgot to mention that there was no reception here which meant there was no way of informing them that we had reached.

But in all honesty, Zephyr’s castle was magnificent. It was made of fine off white carved marble which just shone in the sunlight. It was huge. Just like some palace right out of a fairytale.

Intruding my imagination of what it would be like to live in such a grand Palace, Claire walked in from behind us.

“There you are!” she let out a sigh of relief. “Yeah sorry about the misinformation my lovelies, there's a change of plan.” She said with a tight look on her face.

“What plan.” Scoffed Jai and i lightly nudged him on the arm.

She managed a tight grin back at Jai before continuing, “Kat and Zoya. You're going to the palace.”

We just looked back and forth from each other.

“Whaat?! Uh Hell NO.” Asher and Jai said at the same time but i hushed them both and asked her.. WHY?

“Well Zoya darling it’s because, look Zephyr wants to marry Kat and make her his queen right? And it’s not like he’s going to marry her today, she just needs to make it seem like she's giving herself up. Whereas you as her steadfast need to go, and i know you understand.”

“Why not one of us guys as well?” Asher sneered.

“Because,” Claire said exaggerating as if it wasn’t already obvious, “ if Kat and Zoya were both in complete danger then you and Jai would run to save Zoya first, am i right? And we can’t send you both because you’ll end up arguing the whole time, they’ll both be safe okay, Zephyr wouldn’t hurt them if Kat makes it seem as though she’s interested in him.”

A smirk appeared on Ashers lips. “Yeah, Mason wasn’t just killed, he was killed by Zephyrs men and they made it seem like they were just drunkards on a murder rampage for the sake of immortal prophecies. So Kat should have another load of reasons for revenge.”

“Please don’t argue, i need to do this,” i looked up at Jai with sincere eyes and he just nodded and brushed his lips against my forehead. “So when do we go?” i asked Claire.


“What?!” Kat shouted.

We followed Claire back to the small cottage house and we only had a certain amount of time before we get ready to enter the palace. Claire promised us our safety and Asher and Jai would be doing some more training to get ready for the major battle. Whereas Kat would have to secretly prepare on her own.

I was the last person to have my shower and i was so glad Claire had already prepared maternity clothing for me, it was seriously great help. I slipped on a pink summer dress and Jai was holding our bags. “All set?” Jai asked as he put his arm around me from the back.”

“I love you.” I said to him and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

I didn’t know how long i would have to be without him and as i shuffled my feet i felt his muscles grow stern. A small tear escaped from my eye but i quickly wiped it away.

Jai went down on his knees and rested his hand on my belly. “You take care baby, i promise i won’t let anything happen to the both of you. I’ll come to get you soon, promise. I love you so much.” And then he stood up and cupped my face in his hands and gave me the kiss of a lifetime, the kind of kiss you give someone when you're not sure whether they’ll come back.

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