Chapter 22

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Well i know i hardly write anything on here and neither ask for comments and votes and stuff haha but then again i just want to say a great big THANKYOU!!!!!! to everyone who's actually voted and read up till this point of my story, you deserve a great big bear hug <3 


I figured that the crammed up car ride was the most suffocating part of the whole journey to get to this stupid forest.
We had just walked up steep hills and crossed the humid areas and the most freezing and now we were finally standing at the entrance of the real dark forest we need to walk through to reach Zephyr’s Palace. Rose and Zack had already reached the forest before us.
We took a few steps into the dark forest and honestly, it seemed to be a replica of Germany’s Black Forest. The tall dark trees hovering above our heads, there was something extremely mysterious about this place, or maybe because after this path ends... we would have arrived at Zephyr’s stupid Palace. 

I was seriously so tired, my feet were numb. We had been walking for nearly three hours! Hopefully there was a shorter while left.

“HEY Asher!” I screamed.
“WHAT!” he shouted back even though he was just three steps away.
“How much longer will it take in this forest?” I ask him.
“Um about 5 days max”
“You’re kidding right?” I looked at him with a serious face and he returned it.
Oh no, wait we’re camping in here aren’t we.


“Okay so put your gear down now and this looks like the perfect spot to camp.” Said Claire as she put all of her stuff onto the grass.

The moon was full and bright up in the dark night sky. It was such a beautiful sight. I was staring up at it as Jai wrapped his arms around my waist. Then as we booth looked up at the moon I felt someone’s eyes on me, I turned around only to witness Asher staring at me and he instantly looked down.

Finally the tents were put up and we all went to sleep, finally. I didn’t even realise whose tent I sneaked into because I fell fast asleep as soon as I laid my head onto the soft pillow.

I was dancing around the forest wearing one of the prettiest sun-yellow corset dresses that I have ever seen. My hair was the same length just below my back but instead of it being straight, it was done in bouncy curls. It was a beautiful sunny day, even in the forest you could see the sun peeking out from between the tall dark trees.
“Got you!” said Asher as he grabbed my waist and pushed my back hard against his chest.
I was grinning from ear to ear now, I felt such warmth and felt so carefree with him, and it was beautiful. I spun around and landed both my hands onto his chest as he gripped onto my wrists. He was smiling back at me, that sincere smile and those eyes filled with love.
“Please don’t ever leave me.” He spoke as his smiled turned into a frown.
I cupped his face in my hands and kissed his lips lightly, “The day I let go, will be the day I am finished. I love you.” I said from my heart.
“I love you too, Isabel.”



Who the heck is Isabel?! I shot upright inside the tent with sweat dripping from my forehead, I had begun panting especially after I checked the time and saw it as 3:45am and I was alone in the tent.

Well actually I was so knocked out that I didn’t realise if I was sharing the tent with anyone, but it’s highly unlikely of Jai to leave me sleeping in a tent out in the forest, alone.
I pulled the tents zip down and crawled outside. It was freezing cold and my long sleeved shirt was made out of such thin material and it made me shiver like hell. The tents around me were quiet and I heard faint snoring, probably Zack.
In the distance I saw a bright light shining, I took a couple of steps towards it and I froze. There was a big figure of an animal standing right in front of me. Is it a bear from the jungle, is it a huge dog, wait I think- it’s a wolf. Its yellow eyes were staring directly into my hazel ones. Its dog breath was on my face as it was slowly and calmly panting. Why was I not running! Zoya, honey.. RUN! But I just couldn’t.. I reached my hand out to touch the side of its face and I did. I gently rubbed my fingers against its soft brown fur. I wasn’t scared, I felt calm. A few seconds later the wolf winced and turned away and ran from me, as it ran off I saw something was stuck in its leg probably causing it pain. But he was gone, and what had I just experienced. When the wind of reality finally hit me, it’s when I realised where I was. I turned around to run back to our camp spot,  just as I sprinted off, I bumped into a hard chest. It was Jai, and he was looking at me angrily.
“So I just go out of the tent to drink some water, and I find you lost in the forest?” he said.
I looked down, digging the heel of my shoe into the dirt. His eyes were still on me hoping for an answer which would never come. Eventually he gave up and carried me all the way to the tent. I laid my head back onto the soft pillow but just as I drifted off to sleep I was awakened by a sudden screeching pain inside my lower stomach. Jai wasn’t inside and I couldn’t even scream, I was just breathing heavily. I grabbed my phone and it was 5:30 in the morning, but then I was having trouble with unlocking the damn phone.
“Help!” I managed to shout out hoping someone was awake or Jai was close by to help me.
 In a short while someone came  into the tent, my eyes were closed and my vision was blurred, they cradled me  in their arms and took me outside  into the cold air which  is what I needed.
 I had never experienced such pain ever before. Even dislocating my shoulder and that whole process never gave me such pain. It felt as though someone was piercing a sword deeply into my stomach and twisting and turning it whilst it was in there.
Whoever’s arms i was in, i decided to clutch my arms around their neck instead of looking like a limping doll. I tried to open my eyes again but they were forcefully rolling back, the last face i saw was Asher's and then everything went black

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