Chapter 11

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Inside the cottage house, Rose and Kat were still trying to find a way to escape. They tried everything they could and they at last just fell down against the wall. After all the shouting for help they realised that obviously Selena had brought them to some place where there was nobody around. But just when Kat shut her eyes she heard footsteps against the gravel outside near to where they were. The steps came closer. They both quickly jolted up onto their feet and Kat grabbed a unplugged lamp from a nearby table. “Follow me.” She ordered Rose. Kat held the lamp in a defence position above her head and Rose followed behind her. It was so quiet and such an intense moment. They were standing on the left side of the door hiding so just as Selena would enter, she would whack her behind her head and make a lousy run for it. And then finally the door opened. Kat shut her eyes and screamed, “aaaaahhhhhh”.
“What the hell are you doing?!” Jai shouted standing in front of her and Zoya just coming up behind him. Zoya quickly ran and hugged Rose and then Kat.
“I thought you were Selena you dickhead!” Kat said.
“Selena? What the hell, was she the one who brought you in here?” Jai looked confused.
They all stepped inside the house and stood in the middle, Rose began explaining. “We think that Selena is bad news, well we know she is. That day when Zack took me somewhere and i nearly exploded in his van, Selena turned up. There was something that Zack wanted to involve me in but Selena wouldn’t let him tell me. The last thing i remember was Selena blew some kind of powder onto me and then i fell to the ground and woke up in Jai’s room. And the way that she acts around Zack, i bet she's just using him somehow, and she took you to the ball just to show off to Zack. She was lost in the forest with us but no one found her. But yesterday we did find her.” Rose then explained about her and Kat’s journey. “And her speed, those bloodshot eyes, something’s really wrong,” Rose finished.
Jai was about to say something just when the door flung shut startling them all. Zoya ran to open it but then it wouldn’t budge.
Zoya stared at the window sill, a cold vapour had arisen onto the window and cold ice was being formed along the sill. She turned around and looked at Kat, scared.
“Zoya watch out-!” Rose yelled just when the window exploded and all of the windows and the door caught on fire.
Jai pulled Zoya back to the middle where they were all standing huddled. They all looked around but then there was no way out! Kat kept throwing random things from the room into the flames around the window. Finally she gave up when nothing was working. Kat got very angry; she clenched her fists and gazed angrily into the fire. Suddenly then the flames grew bigger. Startled, Kat immediately unclenched her fists and turned to see Rose who looked back from the fire then to Kat.
Jai saw the fire form a large gap on the top side of the wall, he took his chance and for the sake of Zoya’s life, he picked her up and threw her outside. The hole instantly covered up. And Kat and Rose gave Jai thankful glances for saving their friend. Rose put her hands on Kat’s shoulders and Kat breathed in and out. She calmed herself even though she was breathing in smoke. She shut her eyes tightly and didn’t think about the fact that she would probably burn to death. She cleared her head, she went back to thinking about the times when pain was a word that didn’t exist in any of their dictionaries. She saw smiling happy faces, life. Then Rose shook Kat out of her head.
“Kat look...” Rose said.
The fire had stopped. Rose and Kat turned to look at eachother. Jai ran for the door and kicked it open. They all ran outside to see Zoya lying on the ground. Jai ran to her and slid on the grass behind the cottage. He fell onto his knees and put Zoya’s head on his lap.
She shot open her eyes, made an angry face then used both her fists on Jai’s chest and pushed him to the ground and fell on top of him and then spoke, “You idiot! Why’d you do that? I would have rather died in there with all of you than have lived with you chucking me out here!” Zoya shouted and tears sprang inside her eyes.
Jai couldn’t help but manage a complete smile, then he put his arms around her and they both lay on the ground.
“So like are you guys a couple now?” Kat asked excitedly.
Zoya just realised that Kat and Rose were looking, she rolled to her side and Jai helped her up.

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