Chapter 7

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Checked the dorm room, checked the chemistry lab, checked in the creaky foyer and even checked under my bed. But somehow, still no sign of Rose.

Zoya was completing some English assessment with the student library monitor Alex. Jai was in the gym and Aria was in the dorm room.  So where the hell was Rose?

Maybe she went down to town; she was talking about going down to the store to buy some matching earrings for her purple cherry dress for the autumn ball. She switched off her phone as well so i decided to go down to town, maybe i could get some new stilettos matching my dress too. I went back up to the dorm room and grabbed my car keys and headed for the car park. I was jingling the keys in my hands as i turned the bend around the front office but just as i had done that i caught a glimpse of Asher, he was fixing Mr Welsh’s old motor bike. Man, was the old man still trying to ride this bike. The last time he rode it, he was in the hospital with a fractured foot but still totally dependent on Asher to fix it each time. I remember once as a dare Asher pulled out the main chain from the motorcycle as a purposeful attempt to fracture his other foot so he would delay the school exams. I smiled looking at the ground. But then when i looked back up, i saw a guy walking up to Asher, as Asher was crouched down oiling the cycle. Okay he was officially a very hot guy; i think he was new because he could not be a teacher at any cost.

I quietly hid away so neither of them could see me but i could hear and see them clearly. “Uh excuse me, could you please tell me where the main office is.” The guy spoke to Asher but Asher that jerk completely ignored him. The guy repeated his question and Asher finally looked up at him, observing him from toes to face. And then he finally stood up. The guy was the exact same height as Asher, the scene seemed so rebellious.

“So you're the new fish in the sea that Welsh was talking about today.” Asher asked him, trying to hover over him but the new guy stood tall. “Look dude, i asked for the main office, not your opinion of who i am,” the new guy looked up and down Asher, also observing him, “Well if you must, then seeing those greasy hands and vest, you must be a worker here? How much does the school pay you? Hmm probably enough to buy all that gel for your hair. Well next time, you might want to buy a gel which smells good.” Wow, a guy or person other than me or Jai who stood up straight up to Asher even without knowing him, i like this new fishy already. He started to walk away but then Asher interrupted and kept the spicy one on one verbal match going.

“Whoa whoa whoa, slow down little sucker. You're new here and for one, i have the most expensive hair gel there is in this town, and second of all im one of the most popular guys –“ New fishy cut him off.

“Yeah , one of, not the popular guy.”

 Asher continued, “shit man, i would totally hit you but that would just be animal abuse.

At that, the new guy walked two steps away from Asher, but then paused, and then walked two steps backwards. He looked Asher in the eyes and without warning he punched Asher such a hard punch in the gut! I was so astonished; my palm instantly covered my mouth to hold me back from laughing. Asher fell to his knees, and i walked out from my hiding place to help the guy.

“Hey, the main office is this building right over here.” I tapped the side of the wall i was standing next to. I smiled at him and i saw him smile for the first time aside from the evil look he’d been giving Asher. “Thank you.” He said. He was about to walk off away from me into the office but i couldn’t resist asking him so i quickly turned around. “Um hey what's your name?”



Stepped into the store asked my favourite lady, Mary the shopkeeper if Rose had come in here. “Sorry beauts haven’t seen your girl today.” I turned to leave; disappointed but then my phone rang a private number, hoping it was Rose i picked up but unfortunately had to hear Jai’s voice.

“What do you want bird brain?” i spoke feeling annoyed because it wasn’t the person i was expecting it to be.

“Zoya’s brother brought you down a special parcel.” He said.

“What are you on about Jai, what parcel?”

“What’s another name for a great smelling flower?” he sounded shaky but still remained with a steady voice. A flower, a flower, hmm ... Rose! I hung up and pressed hard on the accelerator, ran to find the rest of them but my instincts told me that Jai’s room was probably the best option. When i barged inside i saw Jai leaning against the wall.

“Seriously Kat , why is it that its either Zoya or Rose who end up unconscious, and whoever comes in to drop them lands them straight on to my bed? And then somehow you seem to be the only shoulder of support for either one of them?”

“Can it gym machine! Where is she??”

He pointed towards his bed with Rose lying on her side. I quickly touched her forehead but she was in normal temperature. “Where on earth did Zack find her?”

“I didn’t ask.”

Faggot. Who doesn’t ask a person where they found an unconscious human being? Oh wait. Jai doesn’t. As i was arguing with Jai i didn’t realise that Rose had already woken up smiling.

“You idiot where were you?” i asked her.

“With Zack, he came in to drop off some delivery of new books in the library, i went to the library to find Zoya and then i heard he was going to come back to school after the next lot so i asked him to take me out of town to the mall...”
“And he agreed?” i asked surprisingly.
“Yeah why wouldn’t he have?” She sputtered.
I didn’t believe her story but i guess i didn’t want to argue when she was in a state like this. Before i could say anything else to her, Zoya also barged into the room and Jai rolled his eyes and shook his head; annoyed at another intruder.
“Oh my goodness! You poor thing! Where were you??” she overreacted.
“With your good for nothing brother.” I spat out.
“Zack?” she asked.
“Oh nah, unless you're telling me that Asher’s your brother.” I said without looking at her and she hit me on my arm and i heard Jai laugh.
Rose looked disturbed she quickly added ,”Oh um Zoya doesn’t know when i went to the library because i was on my way to meet her just when Zack was heading out after the delivery.” Zoya looked confused. So i said, “Zoya the books that Zack delivered today.” She was still confused.
“No i was there the whole day, there was no delivery.” We all looked at Rose who shuddered a bit. But before i could say anything to her, Zoya’s cell started vibrating inside her bra. She quickly took it out and looked over awkwardly at Jai, but he just shrugged. Seriously, these girls should attach little mini pockets to their dresses.
“Hello, mhm, really? Oh okay thanks Alex. Bye.” Why was i the only person who found Alex bad news.. i admit that she's a girl who works in the school library with Zoya’s favourite librarian , Miss Amelia, but still something about the chick , bugged me. Zoya told us that there really was a delivery that was dropped off without her knowledge from Zack. I was still suspicious but i dropped the topic.

Asher just walked into the room.

Jai was the first to react, “oh no! Not another emotionally challenged chick to give Rose another shoulder to cry on.” He said dramatically and then started laughing and Asher gave him the weird look. Rose then threw a mini cushion which directly hit Jai’s face and he stopped laughing. Then we all burst out laughing all except for Asher. I thought Zoya would be the first to ask him why his mood was off but seeing that she had her head completely turned away from him made Rose ask him what was wrong instead. He said nothing but only fixed his gaze onto Zoya. I turned around to see why he wasn’t replying to Rose because of the awkwardly silent atmosphere.

“Dude stop staring at her back so hard, you’re probably going to leave eye prints on her top. And guys let me explain and it’s pretty detailed so listen carefully, Asher got smashed by the new guy Nathan.” And i smiled.
Jai hit Asher on the back and said, “Wow dude? And you're related to me and you get smashed by girls?” Jai was trying to hold back his laughter.
“Asshole, he’s a guy,” i turned my gaze around to Rose.” A very hot guy.” I winked and we both started laughing.
Asher grunted a bit so i spoke louder. “ And Zee, im taken by a never appearing Javed, Rose over here has been hanging around with your older brother lately and you seem to be the only single one here... he’s totally your type maybe-”Rose and Zoya both wacked each of my arms.
“Hey come on i was only joking!”     
We all started laughing but then...

 I heard something. He was calling. I had to go.     

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