Chapter 29

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Asher had begun walking towards the storage room wall where he was hearing some sort of cries. He enabled more of his vampire hearing and that just made everything much easier. He pressed his ear onto the door and heard a girl crying lowly.

“Zoya!” he shouted and the crying stopped.

“Asher is that you?!, can you hear me?!” her voice croaked back.

Asher knew that this was no time for questions and answers so he began to find a way to open up the door of the storage room but as assumed, the door wouldn’t open. This wasn’t a job for any normal person and Asher had figured that out, using all the power he had in him he kicked the door open with such strength and the door fell down and there he saw Zoya sitting in a cold corner hugging her knees up to her chest.

“Zoya!” Asher shrieked with horror and grabbed her into his arms. Zoya was sweating but she was so cold to the touch, her eyes had dark circles around them and her eyes were rolling backwards.”Zoya stay with me!” Asher yelled and hurried her over to the sink and opened up the tap.

“No Asher i don’t wanna drink that! It could be poisonous.”

“Well then there's one way to find out.” Asher took a handful of the water and gulped it down.

Seconds later, nothing happened. So then he gave Zoya endless amounts of water but she still wasn’t able to stand properly on her two feet.


“Kat i can’t take it anymore...” Nadia murmured standing still next to Kat.

“Nadia please keep trying,” Kat insisted her but then it was too late because Nadia had already passed out onto the floor space next to Kat.

Arias evil smirk grew bigger as she saw Nadia lying on the ground unconscious.

“Bitch you're going down.” Kat grew angrier and she positioned herself directly in front of Aria.

Kat and Aria both began chanting certain spells which made a light purple coloured shield barrier around the two and it enhanced their power. Kat may have much more power but Aria knows more spells so that means they both are fighting at the same level now.

As Asher carried Zoya outside of the small room in his arms it attracted everyone else's attention and they all ran towards her. Even Kat got sidetracked at the sound of her name and the horror in everyone else's voices and she tumbled back because Aria had taken advantage of the moment. But Kat did her best to put back her whole concentration on Aria instead. 


Even after drinking what seemed like endless amounts of water i was still way too weak to even stand up by myself. I just knew that i was in Asher’s arms and then suddenly out into fresh air where Mrs Malik, Zack, Rose , Claire and Jai were walking up to us. Asher laid me down against a wall where i could see Kat from a far distance. I knew it was her because of her red velvet long hair and her choice of black spy agent clothing.

“I need to go.” I said and made a very fail attempt to get up because i fell back down instantly feeling dizzy.

“Oh no you're not going anywhere, we’re here with you,” Rose said.

“But no you don’t understand , Kat needs me!” i shouted and i knew i was about to lose my voice.

“Kat can handle herself right now. And hey guys, where the hell is Zephyr?” Rose shouted, alarmed.

“Right where he’s supposed to be.” Came a deep husky voice from the top of the staircase. Zephyr.

“You little piece of shit, I’m gonna kill you!” Jai yelled and was about to run straight for him but then an army of  around fifty boys dressed in black all hauled themselves in a pyramid shaped in front of Zephyr on the staircase.

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