Chapter 13

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The ride to the Chambers farmhouse was sooo long! When i saw that Asher had taken the passenger’s seat and Jai was driving, i saw that Nathan had already sat in one of the two seats at the real back. I quickly pushed past everyone else and sat down next to him. Zoya looked at me angrily and i smiled back at her because she knew that it was her who was to be seated in the middle of Rose and Aria.. Which was not exactly the best place to sit.
Throughout the ride Rose and Aria began arguing about the most stupid stuff possible. Like about inserting excess toothpaste back into its tube. Zoya sat in the middle of them with her fingers pressing hard against her temples. She had even asked Asher to switch seats with her but he pretended as though he never heard her. We all knew that the ride was to be about five hours long. But then three hours through the ride, Jai stopped on the side of the road.
"Hey we just got off for food and toilet break half an hour ago." I said but Jai totally ignored me and pretended as though he couldn't hear me because i was too far back.
"Hey Nathan?" Jai called out. He obviously wanted something or else Mr Jai Loser-face would never add sugar in his voice. 
"Yeah? What’s up?" Said Nathan.
"Bro, you and Kat wanna come to the front here? Asher will sit in between Aria and Rose and he'll keep telling you the way."
Nathan instantly knew that Jai wanted to be seated alone in the back with Zoya and what more would i have wanted than to sit controlling the radio! I quickly jumped up and said yes before Nathan answered. Asher was moaning but nobody really paid attention to him, well i know i didn't. It was fun sitting in the front with Nathan driving, he was really fast too. I was shouting out and singing to my favourite songs and Nathan would purposefully tilt the van to the side during the bends so i would laugh and so at the back Zoya would bump into Jai, harder. 
I was happy for Zoya, it’s the least she deserved to finally find somebody who loved her as much as she had once loved Asher. When i saw them through my side mirror, she was sleeping all cuddled up in his arms, it made me smile. In a way though, i felt bad for Asher.. He finally realised what he had, after he lost it. 
And whether he let her go or not, she was not coming back.
Finally! We were here! Wow was this a farmhouse or was this about a medium sized mansion? As soon as i saw Jai unlock the door i ran inside first to see what it was like.
The floors were wooden and shiny. The living space was huge! There was a whole section of old books and then to the right there was the dining section. And when i looked up , the interior was a circle based area. It was easy to see around the top, there were soo many doors! I could not wait to explore! 
When everybody else came inside, Jai made us all sit down on the large sofas so he could explain to us about the rooms we were going to stay in. 
"Look I've organised everything so please don't argue and the rooms have numbers so do not forget your room numbers! Please!" Jai shut his eyes for a brief moment. "Okay so Zoya and I are in room 1a, Asher you're in 1b. Aria and Rose are sharing in 2b. Kat you're 3a and Nathan you're 3b. And please remember that. And now just go do whatever you want but hey guys, just don't break anything."
We wondered off to our rooms, for some reason it was exciting that i was in a room next to Nathan. But anyways, i needed to have a tour of my room. Actually, it was pretty simple but still enchanting! Just a plain wooden bed and a side table with old flowers in the vase, and an old scene just above the bed. There was a closet with a dresser attached to it like they had in the old days. And two doors, i opened the door on the right but it was locked, maybe for some purpose. But the door on the left had led to my own personal bathroom with an amazing spa! Which i had to try out! Right now! 
After my awesome experience with the spa, i decided to just put my towel on and change inside the room. But just as i closed the door to the bathroom and came to open my bag to search for my clothes, i heard a door opening behind me. I quickly turned around with my yellow towel clinging to my body. 
"Nathan!" It was obviously Nathan! His room was right next to mine which explains that the rooms with the same numbers are linked! Oh lord, please give Jai some brains to further explain before giving me a room next to another guy next time.
Nathan was startled, he didn’t know what to do, he looked down and then back up at me and then started stammering. I matured up.
"Well what is it?" I said calmly.
"Oh um i just opened up to see where this door would lead.." He stammered.
"Right..." It was beginning to get very awkward.
"Hey um did you know they have a spa pool in here?" Nathan said scratching his head.
"As you can see Nathan, that’s exactly where I'm coming from." I tried to not make things too awkward but it just wasn't working. 
"Hey Nathan would you mind coming in here five minutes later so i can show you my plan for the yearbook?" 
He put his head down and nodded, then left silently. 
I quickly managed to grab my clothes and slip them on. Exactly five minutes later just when i had taken out the plan for the yearbook, this time he knocked on the door.
"All clear, come in." I said smiling as i turned around to look at him with his head still down.
I sat up onto the bed with the yearbook sitting on my lap, i patted the spare space beside me for him to come and sit down. He did. 
Minutes went pass and i was explaining about our school. We pointed out certain things in the yearbook which he was interested in or just very funny images which were all taken by me. We amused ourselves and it was finally great to have someone other than Aria, Rose or Zoya to get along with.
While looking through the football images, i spotted an image with Jai showing his middle finger to the referee. I quickly pointed to it and Nathan  had just done the same. His hand touched onto my hand and he unclenched his fist properly and laid his hand onto mine with his fingers stroking my knuckles. My initiative told me to pull away but then when his big brown eyes looked so deeply into mine, it was so tempting that i could not at any cost look away. The way he looked at me shot fireworks through my stomach. His hand reached and cupped the side of my face and i leaned my face against his hand. My mind immediately went blank. I felt his breath on my face, he was coming closer and closer, just as i knew our lips were about to meet, the opening of my rooms door startled us both and we both quickly pulled away. Nathan shot up standing straight. I slowly turned my gaze towards the floor of the door. 
Expensive leather shoes. Oh no. 
Genuine denim jeans. Oh no, very bad. 
Varsity jacket. Shit. Perfection. Javed. 
I also stood up, seeing the look on Nathan's face i knew he was confused. Javed walked across the room to me and held me in his arms so tightly with such a warm embrace, i didn't hug him back, i just kept my eyes on Nathan. As Javed began to kiss my cheeks and my forehead and kept emphasising on how much he had missed me, Nathan walked out of the room.
I should have been happy that my boyfriend who i hadn't spoken to or seen in such a long time had arrived and was standing in front of me but i still decided to follow Nathan out with my gaze feeling somewhat guilty.
What was wrong with me?

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