Chapter 9

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The Autumn ball had arrived.

The girls had curlers in their hair from the night before. Guys were hanging their dry-cleaned suits on the hangers making sure no dirt got on it.
People were calling up and checking if their dates were still attending the ball with them. The scene was lively.

The night came. The hall was set. The major floor for the dancing partners, the fountain of lemonade. The alcohol filled chocolates that were sneaked in, lit the smell up in the room.
The lights gave out such warmth; the theme was the golden era. Girls were walking in with beautiful corsets, some even hand stitched. The boys with pirate lace shirts or elegant suits. It was a wondrous sight.
Rose and Zack walked in with Rose wearing her cherry purple dress, all the girls had their arms hooked in with the boys.
Next came in Kat and Lucas she was wearing a red dress which fit her body perfectly and let lose down her calves.
Zoya walked in hand in hand with Jason wearing her peach coloured satin corset dress. She was a bit tensed as she was gripping onto Jason’s arm. She searched the crowd hoping to not catch Asher or Jai staring. Jason put his hand on her own and she looked up at him and smiled.
The rest of all of the couples came inside. Some couples stood and talked with others, some stood alone in the corners.

“All the couples please make your way to the dance floor formatted into a line of a circle , ladies in the inner part of the circle, semi into the song boys you will be spinning your partners off to the right for the rest of the dance.”

All the partners fell in their lines and the music GIVE ME LOVE by Ed Sheran rang aloud.

Half way through the song, the lights in the room changed to a dream sparkling blue so it was hard to see who the new partners for the girls were. Then the warm yellow light came on and the girls looked up towards their new partners.

Zoya was now dancing with Asher. Asher's eyes were so tempting; he could not look away from Zoya. Zoya only carried the gaze for brief seconds but then she looked away and began to dance. She wanted to embrace him so tightly, forget about every single person in the room, forget about the past but then she remembered Alison, she remembered Asher saying the same things, taking her the same places as he took her. She looked over his shoulders to avoid locking eyes with him again. Asher came in closer as if he was resting his head on Zoya’s shoulder, but then he whispered something so lightly, “you look beautiful.” Butterflies swam around her stomach, she breathed in once but instead of complementing him back she said, “You always say that.”
He smiled, “well because you always look beautiful.”
“You always say that too.”

Aria somehow landed in the clutch of Jai. The most unexpected spin off.
“Don't give me that look,” Aria said as Jai grunted.
“Honestly, i would have rather been dancing with Alex.”
“Oh come on Jai, i am probably the only girl who hates you more than anybody else in this room , so please keep that in mind.”
At that, Jai span her around so hard that if it wasn’t for Jai holding her, Aria would have lost her balance and fell to the ground. Jai smirked at her, with her heel she then crunched his toes through his then leather shoes really hard which was sure to leave a hole in there,  and then she smiled tightly at him, rolling her eyes.

Madison and Carlin started having a very confusing conversation. They had been in the same Chemistry and Physics class for such a long time that Carlin remembered her every A+ or each F- , but then Madison was still confused where she had once seen Carlin. Poor him, they sat next to eachother in all classes and Madison still had no idea who he was.

Jessica obviously, no matter who she would have span off to , she would instantly start flirting, whether it be Lucas’s green eyes or undecidedly brownie blonde hair.

When Alex and Dominic met eye to eye. They looked kind of shocked to finally see eachother after such a long time, they both dated eachother three years ago for about a year, and this was the first time they were standing this close to eachother after all that time. They had a casual conversation asking eachother about their lives, they were being so mature about their past relationship that even Jessica didn’t have anything to comment on.

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