Chapter 12

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I was feeling something so strong like never before. Asher used to be the only guy, and i had thought that other than Asher i would never be able to develop any more feelings for any other guy, but i was wrong. 

Yes it was different that when Asher held me, i felt a million butterflies in my stomach and it felt like something special, but the way that Jai held me made me feel such warmth which instantly spread all over my body but other than that, i felt safe whenever i was with Jai. And truth is, that’s exactly what i needed.

Just then, i received a text message from Alex.

Seeing the alarmed look on my face, Jai asked me what it said.

"She said that there’s something wrong in the school library and she’s calling me down there right now." 

Jai grabbed my phone and instantly called her back a few times but the call just wouldn't go through. 

"We have to go Jai. Right now."

We ran as fast as we could down to the library and tried to ignore the teachers and staff members as much as we could. At last we reached the library, the door was unlocked and the lights surrounding the computer area and the librarian’s desk were turned on. The library was huge. The thousands of books, and the area to study and read just made up half of the library. There was an upstairs place too where most of the school history was placed, but that place was locked and only Miss Amelia had the key to it.

The whole place was empty, there was nobody in sight.

"Alex." Jai spoke out and his voice echoed against the walls. 

There was no sound in return. 

"Let’s go and check in that little room behind the desk counter, there’s a light coming from there too." I said and we moved towards the door. We both walked inside but then nobody was in there. I walked to the back wall of the room and saw something shining on it. I called Jai to see what it was. Once we both were at the back wall. The door just automatically shut! We ran towards it and Jai tried to budge it with his arm but it wouldn't open. Astonishingly this door had no locks so how did it get locked and there was no wind in the room so there is no way the door could have just shut by itself. In this part of the whole library there was no reception either. We were stuck.

We were both sitting leaning against the door, "Jai do something." I said to him and he jolted upright. I was sitting against the door when i saw a cell phone on the floor. I crawled over to it and picked it up, this was Alex’s phone. Where is she? Unless if someone used her phone to bring us down here..

Jai wandered around the tiny room staring up at the ceiling. He stood onto a stool and slid across a large square cut out piece in the ceiling. 

"We can’t go up into there; we don't know where it leads to and what if it can’t carry our weight?" I said already complaining about the only idea which had come up this whole past hour.

I heard a tapping noise above me, i looked up to the ceiling and the hanging light shook a bit. Jai instantly stilled. He heard tiny whispers coming from inside that vent place he had just opened up. 

When the voices were coming straight for us, Jai quickly put his head up into the vent to see what it was.

"Kat!" Jai shouted confused

I quickly rose up from my place and tried to see what was going on but then Jai was blocking my view.

"Loser!" Kat shouted back, "what the hell are you doing, where is this? And is Zoya here too?" 

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