Chapter 23

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I walked outside the tent leaving Zee in there to rest. I had felt a bad vibe about her child but i couldn’t tell her especially now that she's in a state like this. But that's beside the point, as long as both Zoya and her child were safe, it’s all i could ask for.

“How is she?” Asher huffed, jogging up to me.

“Fine now. So would you like to tell me why she just decided to bungee jump off of the cliff?” i stood there awaiting an answer with my hands on my hips.

“Can we go somewhere else?” he spoke, looking down.

I saw the guilt in his eyes and i knew there was something very very wrong.

We finally walked over to a safe spot where the rest of the group were at a distance and they wouldn’t be able to hear our conversation. Even though i hated Asher like hell, there's always this corny spot i have for him because i of all people have witnessed the love between Zoya and Asher, and it was epic. But he’s seriously an ass and the former reason why now everything is totally ruined.

I sighed, looking over at Asher, “So will it be today or tomorrow?”

He inhaled a deep breath and began, “Im a dick. Im a jerk. And i should be tortured to death,” he started off and i nodded my head at each statement.

And then he explained everything about how he tried to make Zoya hate him and then asked Jai to play her but now somewhere in all of that Jai fell in love with her and blah blah.

“Well.. the thing now is that, do you love her?”

“Like i never even stopped.”


Now both the crazy Chambers were after Zoya and then now Zoya hates them both. What a world. First, Zoya and Asher loved eachother. Then Zoya loved Asher but Asher loved someone else. Then Zoya and Jai loved eachother. Now Asher and Jai love Zoya. Wow my head hurts now.

“Hey, whose side are you on?” Asher asked me all of a sudden.

“What do you mean?” i looked at him blankly.

“Like Jai or me? Who would you prefer to be in Zoya’s life?”

“Oh that, what you did was you hurt her and what he was doing has hurt her. Honestly if it’s down to you two then im on Zoya's side. She's the one who has to spend her heart on someone and let’s just see who that is.”

“Okay..” he spoke and slowly walked away.

As for the rest of us, seems like because of the state Zoya’s in we are going to have to be camping here for the night.

I was sharing Zoya’s tent today and she woke me up in the middle of the night with her high pitched screech.

“What?!” i managed to tumble out of my blankets.

“My stomach!!!” she yelled pulling her shirt up to expose her baby bump.

My immediate reaction was to rest my palm on her bump.

“WHY AM I FAT?” she worded out seeming shocked.

“You stupid crazy weird retarded girl! Don’t you remember what Claire said? As well as the pregnancy pain in the last month your stomach will do all its growing.”


“Shut uppp!!!! It’s called USING PROTECTION you birdbrain!” and with that, i buried myself back into my comfy blankets as Zoya stayed awake examining her baby bump.

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