Chapter 35

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So heres the last chapter :)


Nathan opened up the big fridge and there was a countless amount of bright red liquid in plastic sacks. I inhaled in deeply as the strong scent went into my nostrils, it smelt amazing and i felt as though i had just smelt dinner freshly out of the oven after a long and hard day of work.

Rose pulled out a blood bag and squished it as she made a squeamish face.

“Here,”I said as i took the bag from her hands and she gave me an expression that i couldn’t read. I guess just as i would have to get used to being in Asher’s body they would have to get used to it as well. I walked away with the bag and felt my instincts grow much more intense, I felt my fangs grow out and i sunk my teeth into the side of the bag and sucked in all of the sweet liquid until there was nothing left except the scrunched up plastic. The sticky blood was stuck on my lips as i licked it all off.

I walked out of the basement without saying a word and headed straight for one of the rooms on my right and walked up to the window and pushed it open to breathe in the fresh air. I didn’t want to come back i wanted to stay dead on the other side with Isabel but Isabel wasn’t there, i don’t know why she died that day she should have been on the other side but she wasn’t. I was knocked out of my thoughts as i heard the door close behind me but i didn’t bother to look at who it was.

“Oh um, this is my room..”Zoya said with a small chuckle. “But now its yours i guess.”She smiled and was about to turn around to open the door when something in me just stopped her. She spun around to see me, her brown hair moved as she did and those pink lips and a smile finally playing on them just made my heart race even faster. Even with the similarities with Zoya and Isabel there was still something like a spark in Zoya, the kind of spark which only she had. When she turned around she looked at me expectantly, but i was clueless to why i had stopped her.

“Oh i get what you want to say, i know in the past few days you and i have had something special, i get that and i wanted to say thank you for handling me and being my shoulder to cry on. It really means a lot to me.”She said and somehow i wasn’t able to process all that information so i just smiled at her.

“Hey um Asher, are you alright?”She asked me and i finally spoke, “Yeah yeah I’m fine,”My heart was beating so fast it was weird.. did Asher really feel this way when he was around Zoya? Wow. Now how am i supposed to get used to this. I can’t have feelings for Zoya its just- it can’t happen. What the hell is wrong with me! 

“I should go now..”She spoke confused.

“Zoya wait.”I said and stopped her once again and pretty much mentally face palmed myself.

“What is it now Asher? You don’t seem to be yourself today.” She said and- and i felt a tear drop rolling down my eye. “Oh my, Asher are you crying?”She started freaking out and i quickly wiped it away.

“I missed you,”I said, this time fully aware of my surroundings.  “Uh, i just saw you a few hours ago.. but um okay i missed you too.”She said and then formed a smile and without saying anything else she was headed out once again but this time i grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me so her back hit against my chest. I could also hear he beating heart, it was at the same speed as my own. 

“Asher this isn’t right..”She spoke quietly but didn’t push away from me. I glided my right hand down from her shoulder down her arm until i intertwined my fingers in hers. I kissed her hair and then pushed it to the side where i had access to her bare neck and i planted a soft kiss which made her shiver.

“Do you still love me?”I asked her.

“Like i never even stopped.”She replied and at first it sounded amazing but then i realized that i was in Asher’s body. I took a couple of steps back from her which made her turn around.

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