Chapter 8

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The school speakers rang out loud, “Could all the people who are involved in organising for the Autumn ball please ascend into B corridor into B-7. Thank you. And remember students, there is only three days left so prepare well for this Friday.”

Inside Jai’s room, Zoya grunted because she was one of the organisers for the ball. Rose was also involved so she decided to make an attempt to get out of bed but Kat pushed her back down and told her that she was not fit to go any meeting even if it had something to do with the end of the world.

“Well then somebody has to come to replace her,” Zoya said looking over at Kat hoping she would agree to come with her.

“uh uh, i don’t go to that shit.” Kat rejected straight away.

Zoya thought to herself about whom else she could ask to come with her on such short notice, the committee would totally kick her out if she came late. Jai would completely reject just like Kat just had... there was one option left. Asher.


Zoya and Asher walked together all the way down to B-block. She hated how it was so far away from Jai’s room. Many times Asher had tried to start tiny conversations but obviously they ended up being small or if he tried to ask Zoya a question, then she would reply with one word answers and the conversation would just end right there.

With the rest of the ball organisation members, Asher and Zoya both sat down with chairs in the circle. The leader of the organisation, Lucy Davis stood up and spoke first. “Okay so the ball will go as normally as everything else we’ve planned just like the balls from the past few years.” A couple of giggles ran out across the room. Lucy got annoyed, she was obsessed with leading and being the boss and she hated being interrupted. “Ehem but, there is a catch to it this time. Because of last year’s ball seeming more as if it were some social instead of a ball, it is compulsory to bring a date to it. No best friends giggling in the corner, but a girl and boy slow dancing.” She smiled, pretty proud of her new idea.

The speakers rang out at least five times a day reminding everybody that without a date, they would not be able to attend.        


Zoya had asked to meet Jason in the library as she could explain the chemistry formulas to him because Rose didn’t quite get the chance to. As they finally finished and he had just thanked her and got up, she asked him who he was taking to the ball, or in other words, if he had finally manned up enough to ask Rose. He had been crushing on Rose for years but never had the courage to tell her.
“You’ll be shocked to know Zee, because im on my way to just ask Rose, i heard she's in the cafeteria so im going to take my chance.” He let out a great big smile making Zoya smile too.
“Well if you don’t mind, can i come with you too?” Zoya asked” “i promise I'll hide so she won’t see me.”

They made their way to the school cafeteria and as we were about to walk up to Rose, we heard Zack speaking to her.
“So I'll pick you up right after you call on Friday.” Zack said and walked away from Rose and Rose didn’t see us and she walked away in the other direction.
Zoya looked over at Jason sympathetically and put a hand on his shoulder.
“What are you going to do now Jace?”
“I guess i won’t be going, maybe i wasn’t meant to go.” He looked down and sounded so upset. “And you must be going with one of the Chambers too.”
Zoya felt so guilty but actually she wasn’t sure about whom she really was going to the ball with. She hooked her arm with Jason, “actually Jace im going to the Autumn ball with you, not the Chambers.”
Jason seemed so grateful, and with that they both sat down at the cafeteria table to eat. But what they didn’t see was Jai, who had come to find Zoya so he could ask her if she wanted to go with him but he had to leave disappointed.

Zack planned to meet up with Selena outside the front gate.
“Look i would take you but first of all I've already asked Rose and second of all you don’t go to this school and neither are you an ex student. There's no way you would be permitted to come anyhow.” He said.
Selena  seemed angry at that ,”you had the guts to fall in love with me! And you're talking about rules and regulations!”
Zack ignored her and he just walked back into school. Selena was unaccountably furious.
Jai was also just passing by when he heard their whole conversation. Everybody in the school knew that Jai was a popular/selfish person, if he broke the rule and brought in some other girl then nobody would really care. He could take her so he wouldn’t seem like he was dependant on Zoya to go with him. The last thing he needs is a new way for Asher to mock him.

Jai walked up to her.
“Hmm anger such as this does not suit such a beautiful young girl.” He said and Selena loosened her grip on hugging herself tight.
“And oh so you must be Asher-“
“Its Jai, still a Chamber but a better one.” He stole her own hand from her grip and kissed her knuckles still looking up at her.
“Now, what would Zack say if he saw you alone here with me.”
“He wasn’t so ashamed of walking into school with Rose Sommers in his arms.” “One thing you should know about me is im a very arrogant person, i really don’t care.”

Selena thought of taking advantage of this situation. Someone such as Jai, being so self centred and arrogant, he would be more than happy to take her to the dance.
“So, my boyfriend just ditched taking me to the ball for his little sister’s best friend, who are you taking?”
“If im lucky then would you care to go with me, Selena?”
“I would be flattered.”

Asher had just finished with a game of football and was heading straight to his gym locker but then Madison came and stepped in front of him , showing him a broad smile. Asher looked bored and annoyed, he rolled his eyes.
“Did your other sister die too and did you finally get to steal all her pink underwear?” Asher asked her with a disgusted look on his face.
“Well, no, and oh i wish,” she winked at him. “Take me to the ball.” She said.
Asher had to laugh out at what she had just said.
“Get out of my way Mad-ison.”
He smiled and then was about to walk into the locker room but Madison stopped him by saying, “Well it’s not like Zoya is going to go with you.”
“And why is that?” he asked because his intentions were to alternatively ask Zoya.
“Because your cousin Jai is taking her and she already said yes to him.” She sing-songed as she lied.
Asher looked hard at the ground as if he was expecting to seize a hole through the ground with the power of his eyes.
“You. Me. Ball.” He finally spoke.
Madison looked quite pleased with her lie.

Jai walked into his dorm room, and for once both his roommates Lucas and Carlin were also there on both their beds.
“So losers, who are you two taking to the ball.” He asked them as he jumped onto his own bed.
“As you all know, Alex and i are forever in love.” Flattered Carlin.
“Oh please, you guys only talk twice in one year and that's only when you enter the library.” Busted out Lucas.
“Nah but that's okay, she’ll probably say yes to go with you because she's a librarian, nobody else would take her.” Said Jai.
“A pretty librarian.” Added Carlin.
Jai ignored that last comment and asked Lucas who he was taking. But instead he just guessed. “Hey dude just take Kat, her boyfriends so blimin’ long distance that to even smash you for taking her he would probably take a day or two. And plus you’ve been crushing over her for years now so just take the damn chance, it’s what everybody’s doing this year. It’s  all about the risks man, all about the risks.”

There was a knock at the door. Carlin opened it.
“Look who it is guys” Carlin said looking around at the boys. He walked to the side to reveal Kat standing at the door. She was holding a rugby uniform in her hand which was obviously for Jai. As soon as she opened her mouth and was about to step in, Lucas jumped out of his bed.
“Kat lets go to the ball together.” He was shocked at how clearly the words came out of his mouth and Kat was also astonished at how straight forward he was.
She replied saying, “Green eyes, Blonde-brown hair, please pick me up at 9.” She then smiled and chucked the uniform onto Jai’s bed and left.

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