Chapter 14

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There was an amazing view of the lake and the forest from our window; i guess this is why Jai chose this room for us. 

I realised that to surprise Kat i hadn't told her that I invited Javed over as well, but when they both came downstairs she didn't look half as thrilled as Javed did. The whole time i was looking at her she had kept her gaze on Nathan but Nathan wasn't even looking at her. She didn't seem so happy and i wondered if i had made the wrong decision by requesting Javed to come to the farmhouse with us. I stood by the window looking out into the garden, it reminded me of how i used to look outside back at my dorm in Amaranth. I continued to think about Kat and couldn't get the image of her unhappy face out of my mind. 

Then Jai came up behind me and pulled me back by my waist, turning me around as he kissed my forehead. I smiled. 

"Let’s go." He said. 

"Go where?" I reacted quickly, we hadn't even unpacked yet.

"We are all going to watch a movie, well the cinema is about an hour drive from here but that’s all right." 

I looked up at the time, "Jai its nearly five, by the time we come back its going to be nearly ten o'clock at night." I said hesitantly.

"And so? What’s your point? Everyone else agreed." 

I decided i wouldn't be able to win this argument if everybody else had already agreed to it. 

Obviously a horror movie. 

The movie was full on three hours! And full on scary too! I wondered how many scratch marks i would get to see on Jai's arm the next morning. Well it wasn't my fault, everyone knew to never take me to another scary movie after what i had done to Asher and Jason's arm with my nails the last time we went.

By the time we came home everybody was just way too sleepy. Kat had already dozed off and Javed had to carry her upstairs. Because of the fact that something seemed very wrong to me, i advised Javed to share a room with Nathan... I let Kat have her space, she needed it.

While Jai was parking the car properly i walked upstairs to our room and pulled the curtains shut. By the time i fixed the bed, Jai had come upstairs and already locked the door. He ran up behind me and closed his hands tightly around my stomach.

"What are you doing.?" I whispered to him. He hushed me and nuzzled his face into the side of my neck. I slowly turned around and put my hands on his shoulders. His hands went up my top, feeling my back. I kissed him, slowly. And then the kissing became passionate and then turned into a kind of hunger. I put my arms around his neck and he picked me with my legs wrapped around his body. He dropped me straight onto the soft white covers of the bed. I was still holding onto the back of his neck and he was on top of me and smiled at me before kissing my lips once more and then down my neck. My heart beats ran faster and fast with every second ,the butterflies in my stomach were multiplying by the minute. That night, was one unforgettable night.

Once again in the morning i woke up to not find Jai sleeping next to me. Before i could start to complain as usual, my phone which was sitting on the bedside table had vibrated. Thankfully, it was Jai.

"Hey beautiful." He said but i tried to act angry.

"Don't you hey beautiful me!  Where are you? For once Jai can you please let me know before wondering off!"

"Hey but you looked so cute while you were sleeping. It would have been a crime to wake you up." I heard the playfulness on the tip of his tongue.

I couldn't help but smile, "idiot where are you?" 

"Look out the window." My heart shuddered, only because this reminded me of the time Asher had called me down to the school garden to tell me that he loved both Alison and me. I walked towards it with one hand resting softly on the glass.

It was such a sunny day and the lake was sparkling brightly. I looked down just below the window and i saw a tiny white table with two chairs and breakfast set up on the table. Jai was standing next to the chair. He hung up and gestured me to come downstairs.

On my way down, i accidentally bumped into Asher and he was holding a very very cold can of coke i felt it as he accidentally touched it onto my arm as we bumped.

"Sorry." I said and took two more steps down but then paused and called out his name without looking back.

"Asher," i felt as though he had turned around, "it would be a good idea for you to not drink that, especially so early in the morning. Your voice didn't sound so great in the van yesterday and if you don't remember then let me remind you that you get sick easily when you drink cold stuff when you're not supposed to." I was about to continue down but i was surprised that he replied saying, "well I'm glad you remembered something at least." And he walked up to his room and shut the door as i stood there on the steps. 

That’s when Rose saw me and reminded me that Jai was waiting for me outside in the garden.

I walked out into the garden and couldn’t seem to spot Jai anywhere. I looked around calling out for him but then finally he came and covered my eyes with his hands from behind me. I smiled, "Jai oh come on, i know it’s you!" 

But it wasn't Jai.

"Uh uh not really." It was an unfamiliar voice, i was certain i had never heard it my whole life. But it was a female voice. 

"Now what I'm gonna do now is blow some of this powder in your face so you faint." The girl said as though it meant nothing. I couldn't even see her face. I quickly kicked her in the shins and turned around to face her and run, but i was too late the powder was already on me. The last thing i saw before going down was, thick black hair and a smirk waving goodbye.

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