Chapter 19

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Shit I was totally knocked out. I swear even coach Terri never had me doing as much training in a year as Claire's making us do in three weeks. Plus she’s a chick and she can handle it, probably that’s why Jai's still sticking around. I knew I told her I went inside to get a drink of water, but seriously I need to get out of here! All I remember is going into some room that had the door open and just falling onto the white sheets. 
"Aaahhhh" I screamed jolting into an upright position on the bed as someone standing above me just poured a glass of ice cold water on my face. 
I rubbed my eyes and Zoya was standing looking down at me.
"Get up you lazy ass." She glared.
"What’s a guy got to do for some peaceful sleep here!" I said falling back down with the wet pillow on my face. 
Zoya began looking around the place, still standing there so I decided to close my eyes for a couple more minutes but I had to jump out of bed completely as she fell to the ground screaming and clutching onto her stomach. But then just as I jumped fully out of bed, she got up and started laughing. Oh so this was all her stupid plan. I gave her the death stare and she tried to hold in her laughter. She knew she had won already. I walked around to the side of the bed and slid my sweaty shirt off. I saw Zoya about to walk out of the doorway so I turned my back to her.
"Help!" Zoya screamed in pain, I immediately turned around to see her crouched down by the doorway and she was gripping on to her stomach as she had been a while ago. I wanted to run up to her but then I knew she was faking it probably to catch my same reaction again. But I'm not that stupid, I'm not falling for it again.
"Help! Asher it hurts!" She said screaming in fake pain. 
"Im not falling for it again." I assure her.
"Im serious, help me."
I started having a second thought now, was she faking it? I stayed still while observing her. It looks like she really couldn't take it so she screamed out, "Jai!" 
Oh damn it. She really was in pain. Jai was still outside though but he would have heard her scream. I ran up to her, still shirtless and picked her up ready to take her to the hospital. I walked into the living room with her and shouted out for Claire to get the car keys. 
That’s when instead of running to get the car keys, she ran inside to me and shouted for me to put Zoya down. I argued with her so much while Zoya was still screaming in my arms as Kat, Mrs Malik and Jai came. 
"You idiot! Are you crazy? You're gonna take her to the hospital and when they scan her then aren't they gonna wonder why she has a baby vampire in her womb!" Claire barked at me and I slowly laid Zoya onto the long couch and Jai ran to her side and held her hand.
"Well Claire she’s in so much pain, what can we do?" Jai asked worriedly. 
"Maybe I can do something." Kat suggested.
But Zoya broke out and spoke between painful breaths. "I am not using magic on my baby." 
"Then Zoya you have no choice but to bear this pain. For about a month at the most random times you will have to feel a jolt of pain for who know how long." Claire sat down next to Zoya. 
"It’s okay I can bear it." Zoya said finally taking normal deep breaths as the pain wore off.
"Wow... What did it feel like?" I asked her curious.
"The best feeling in the world." She said sarcastically. Oh k. 
"Are you sure you can do this baby?" Jai asked her and I turned my head away as he kissed her and she nodded in return. 

"And Asher? What the hell are you doing shirtless?" Claire asked me staring at my bare chest. "Oh wait maybe Zoya smelt your shirt which is why she felt such pain, right?" She added.
I didn't have any words for her so I just managed a tight smile ignoring what she said. 

Day by day I was getting extremely good at this weapon stuff, and not to compliment Jai or anything but he was now pretty good too, he even pinned Claire to the ground a couple of times. The only problem was that none of us even as a group had enough strength to kill Zephyr so we were only being trained to kill his little minions. Kat was actually training very very hard to go up against Ariana, and her anger on her is what motivated her the most and the fact that she did not want to be anything anywhere near Zephyr’s queen. Mrs Malik was great help, if it wasn't for her then finding a good mentor for Kat would have took us all this time.

After dinner a few nights later, we were all sitting on the couches watching TV. I turned my head around to see Jai and Zoya glued together in one blanket. It wasn't that I felt jealous or anything but looking at Zoya made me feel bad. Yes I've hurt her and stuff but this one month of a tortured pregnancy did not seem like a great idea, especially how it was my child and all. Zoya had eye bags under her eyes now. She always felt pain in her stomach but she got used to it and only reacted when there was a sudden jolt of a massive amount of pain. My heart went out to her; she decided to keep something that was my fault.. She looked wrecked at most times but none of that made any difference to Jai. Seeing them all ‘in love’ just kept making me realise how big of a jerk I really was.
I turned my attention towards Claire who was now making an attempt on cleaning all her swords and making them look shiny enough to see her reflection. "Okay, Claire, I understand that all this training is to kick some immortal ass but seriously when will be kicking those asses?"
"Oh Asher, stupid Asher, it could take more training, days, or even weeks who knows." She replied.
"But then what’s the drill after all the training? What’s gonna happen? Where are we gonna go?" It felt as though I asked her those questions every single day but received no answer at all.
"You ask so many questions." She said.
"Yeah and you never answer them." I shot back and she stared at me for a while until finally saying something, “fine fine let me explain then, after all your training I'm waiting on a map being sent down here by one of the guards at Zephyrs palace who I happen to know. After the map comes, we can navigate our way through and find the Palace and then get ready for battle. The thing is that Zephyrs palace is very far and it’s hidden in a place where nobody can easily find him. So in other words we're going to have to hike and camp our way through so bring your tents. And I know you guys are also worried about Zoya but she has no choice but to come with us. At least she gets to be in front of all your eyes at all times." Claire finished.
"Yeah guys see and don't worry, I know I'm going through this painful pregnancy right now but something tells me it will be worth it and plus you all need me there for Kat's sake." Zoya chipped in. "Oh wait guys its Roses call, I’ll be back." She said and went inside the room with her phone.

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