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Groaning, I went and fell face-first into my bed after I got home from, yet another, horrible date. The dress felt hot and sticky against my skin, I'd be surprised I didn't have blisters on my feet, and I think my make-up would run off onto the pillow. This date made me dance the night away, holding me close to him. So close I could smell the alcohol on his breath. And I felt the urge to puke the whole time.

Nakashima Ami is swearing off guys. Officially.

Who knew dating could be so hard? Blind dates were the worst! Which was why I had such a bad time tonight. Then he had the nerve to tell me to call him when I was dropped off. Uh, yeah, right.

My best friend, Aya, always teased me saying I should give up and get a cat. I may just do that now. Shower gifts onto my pet cat instead of dumb guys.

I kicked my heels off and sat up properly on my bed. Aya insists on me wearing them, even though I'm tall enough. The guy I dated tonight was so short, his face was in my boobs when we danced. Frankly, I think that's the reason we kept dancing. And I was too tired to push him away.

Just as I was about to get in the shower, my phone rung, showcasing a picture of Aya and I. I answered it, but before Aya could talk, I said, "Guess what, Aya?"

"What?! Are you two going on a second date?!" Aya excitedly asked.

"No! I absolutely hated that guy!" I said in equal, mocking excitement.

I could hear the frown in Aya's voice. "Aw. Was he that bad?"

"Awful! He always insisted on dancing and putting his face in my boobs!"

"What a perv! Gomennasai, Ami-chan. I didn't think he was that bad."

I sighed. "It's fine. Look, I'm going to take a shower, than look up some kittens."


"Because I'm getting a cat tomorrow! I'm going to take your advice and be a cat lady."

"Advice? What...Oh! I was just joking! Don't--"

"If I can do something right, I might as well be able to pick the right cat, right? I don't know why I suck at dating. What do I do wrong, Aya?"

Aya sighed on the other end. "You just haven't found the right one, Ami-chan. I promise that you will. You'll just have to wait for the time to come. You'll soon have your knight in shining armor. Just wait."

I nodded in agreement, even though she couldn't see me. "Yeah. Look, I'll call you tomorrow. I'm gonna shower and go cat hunting. Talk to you later."


I hung up then took a long, hot shower. I took the time to wash myself twice (blast these Kpop references) and wash my hair. Then I stood in the shower for for apparent reason, letting the water run down my body.

There must be a reason I'm so unfortunate on these dates. I'm only twenty, and I've had three boyfriends and a girlfriend, but I don't want to talk about her. It hurt how we ended our relationship, and it doesn't help when we're around each other. Why am I so unfortunate in dating and having someone who cares for me? Am I destined to be alone with a bunch of cats?

Running a hand through my wet hair, I turned the shower off and stepped out. Wrapping a towel around myself, I walked out the bathroom to dry myself off and shrug on my robe. Then I proceeded in locking every door and window. I lived by myself so I didn't have to worry about anybody seeing me. I didn't stay with Aya because we both knew we would be sick of each other eventually.

Afterwards, I changed into a t-shirt and shorts, and climbed into bed. Usually, I would do a bit of reading before I went to bed, but I was exhausted. So I simply fell asleep, forgetting about looking up cats.

But it was the first thing I did the next morning.

I sat at the little island in my kitchen, looking up the pound on my laptop. None of the cats really appealed to me, so I went so a site for a place out of town. Anything to get me the perfect cat.

My phone rung, and I sat my coffee mug down to answer it. "Hey, Aya."

"Ami-chan, guess what!?" Aya almost screamed through the phone.

"Oh, I don't know. What?" I asked in a bored tone. I always knew where this was headed. So why should I even bother?

"I got you another date~!" She sung happily, proud of herself.

Frowning, I sighed. "Iie. No. Nada. Heck no. No more dates for this girl. I'm swearing off men. Dating is too complicated."

"What if I told you this one's a girl?" Aya asked, with a sense of mystery.

"My answer still applies. I'm not sitting around with a girl who'll cry about her past relationships and how they failed."

"Oh, come on, Ami! Erie didn't do that!"

"Erie was different, okay? She only talked about them when the crime was right. Not on a freaking first date. Now, on to something that's not about how much I fail..."

My heart started to hurt talking about my past relationship with Erie. She was so perfect, everything I wanted. And I had to go and mess it all up. But Aya said it happened for a reason, and that the right person will come to me. But why do I still feel like I've just left the best?

"This girl is nice. I have classes with her, actually. And she's nice and sweet. Just...one date?"

"Nope. Sorry, but I just can't. I've put my heart out there too many times. I'll stick with my cat until I'm ready again."

Aya sighed heavily. "Such a buzz kill. Anyways, how's she cat search going?"

"Not good. None of them look...right."

"You're so picky!"

"I am not!"

"Are to!"

"Whatever. I'll talk to you later. I'm going to take a walk and search for more cats."

"Make sure you call back and I'll tell you how bad they girl cried."

"Shut up."

"I love you~!"

"Yeah, yeah. Love you too."

I hung up then went and put my mug in the sink before grabbing my keys and earbuds. Putting on my 'Work-Out' Playlist, I headed out the door and down the street.
I wasn't even planning on jogging or running. Last night had me worn out, so I was going to take it easy.

Scrolling through pictures of different cats, I frowned to myself. A few looked cute, but none of them popped out to me. Did I have bad luck with animals as well as guys?

Something told me to look up, and I did to see an elderly couple with a litter of puppies.

"AWWWW!" I loudly said, due to my earbuds in. Realizing I couldn't hear anything but English through my earbuds, I ripped them out and ran up to the couple.

"They're so cute!" I commented, touching them. "How much?"

"¥20,000," the man said. (¥=yen; it equals $200 US Dollars)

I reached for my wallet when I saw another puppy. A bigger puppy. It had brown curly hair, and big green eyes. (I imagined a Cocker Spaniel.) The puppy wagged its tail at me, and I knew I had to have they one.

"What about that one?" I pointed at the beautiful dog.

The woman glanced at the dog. "Free."

"Can I have them?"

"Hai. She's from the first litter."

"Really? Arigatou! Thank you so much!" I bowed and held my hand out.

The woman gave me the leash, and I took it. She. A she. Wait til I tell Aya! I didn't get a cat. I got the most beautiful puppy in the world!

Dedicated to Pikachu9704, who made the cover as well.

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