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"Can we have more mochi ice cream?" Shizuka asked as we walked around in the grocery store.

Erie had pointed out that we were low on food, so the three of us were here now, shopping. Erie had given Haru to our neighbor to watch before we left.

"Of course," I responded, pushing the cart. "But you can't eat all of it tonight."


"What's for dinner?" Erie asked, her eyes skipping over the things on the shelves.

"Don't know. Pick something."

"Mochi!" Shizuka exclaimed.

"No, honey. That's for dessert," Erie said.

"Can we have some for dessert?" The youngest asked.

"You created a monster," Erie joked.

"I know," I sighed, starting to smile. "Hai, Shizuka."

"Yay!" Shizuka ran off from the aisle, and I groaned.

"No! Shizuka, come back here!" Erie called, running after the girl.

I shook my head and turned my attention to the shelves. The cart was completely empty, due to a picky Erie. So I just started finding the snacks she liked. It's weird how I know so much about her, and even weirder how I remember everything. From her favorite things down to the little habits she has, like how she bites her lip when she's nervous.

That spurred another memory...

"Why are you so picky, Erie-chan?" I asked as we strolled down the aisle.

My girlfriend shrugged, her eyes skipping over everything on the shelves. "I can't eat too many things."

"Why not?"

"Are you blind? Have you not seen this body?"

Erie ran a hand down her side, and I had to hold back a laugh. I had to admit, she's changed a lot from since she was little. I remember kids our age teasing her because she was a little chubby. And I remember having to save her from the taunts. That's how we became friends.

"Sorry, but unless you have a six-pack, you don't have a body," I joked, pulling a bag of chips off the shelf.


"But you love me anyway," I turned back to her.

She pecked my lips. "I've always loved you..."

Erie came back, holding Shizuka in her grasp. The teenager was clutching on two boxes of mint mochi ice cream.

"Mine!" She exclaimed when Erie sat her down.

"That's not fair! Can I have some?" Erie asked me, poking her bottom lip out.

"I swear, I'm raising two kids," I muttered.

"But you love me anyway," Erie said, exactly quoting me in my memory. I wonder she knew that.

"Yeah, yeah. Go get you some."


Erie walked off, leaving Shizuka and I on the aisle.

"Put them in the cart, Shizuka, so I can buy them for you," I said.

She listened and sat them in the cart.

"Good, now look for something else you might like."

I went a few steps down the aisle, looking for more things Erie would want. When I heard a guy's voice behind me, I turned around.

A guy about Shizuka's age was talking to her. I frowned at his pose; propped up against the shelf, hand in his pocket. He had a smirk on his face and he looked Shizuka up and down.

I glared at him because he was looking at my Shizuka that away. But I didn't know how to approach them, so I stayed put.

He stroked her cheek, and she turned away. She locked eyes with me, and I saw how big they were. She was afraid. Well, of course! She doesn't know what's going on!

I heard her whimper, and she ran away from the guy just to cling to my arm. I stroked her head as she hid her face in my arm. Secretly, I was glad she wasn't interested in that guy. First of all, he didn't look like the kind of guy to treat her right. Second, I barely had Shizuka for a day. I didn't want to lose her so quickly.

"Hey, I got you some...What's wrong?"

Erie came over and sat the boxes in the cart.

"Some guy was flirting with her and she didn't like it," I explained.

Erie chuckled, patting Shizuka's back. "You're gonna have to get used to it. You're a pretty girl, Shizuka."

"But I don't like him. I like Ami," Shizuka said, turning so she could look at Erie.

"You're gonna be dating soon, trust me. There's gonna be a guy that's good and loves you for you. Anyways, I got you something too, Ami. Strawberry, right?"

She pointed to the strawberry flavored ice cream in the cart. She remembered.

"Er, hai. Now, we need to decide what's for dinner..."



Ami-chan?" Erie questioned as I made dinner.

I wish she would stop calling me that. "Yes?"

"Where's Shizuka? I haven't seen her in a while. Is she sick?"

What do I tell her??? "Uh, yeah. She's at Aya's for the moment."

I really hate lying.

"Aw! Poor thing! We should go visit her. I didn't know she could take care of animals."

"I'm not sick. I'm right here!"

I scowled into the food when I heard Shizuka's voice. Then I heard footsteps come into the kitchen, and I turned to see Shizuka cocking her head to the side.

"I am not sick," she repeated.

"Not you. The dog."

"But I am the--"

I quickly covered her mouth with my hand.

"Remember rule number two?" I lowly asked.

Shizuka slowly nodded her head.

"Stick to it."

I uncovered her mouth and she frowned at me.

"You aren't telling the truth," she whispered. "Why aren't you truthing?"

"Because she can't handle the truth." If I told Erie the truth, she would've thought I was lying. So it'd be better to lie and make her think I was telling her the truth, no matter how immoral it is.

"Besides, you lied to her," I continued. "You weren't homeless!"

"I did not lie! My old owners said I was homeless until I found a new home. Then you came and got me. So I wasn't homeless anymore."

Shizuka smiled to herself, looking down. "I am glad you're my owner, Owner. I am happy with you."

Just like I thought, Shizuka came and hugged me. I kissed the side of her head before hugging her back.

"Hey, Ami?" Erie called.


"Aya's here! Maybe we can ask her about Shizuka!"

Okay, telling her the truth seems appealing right now...

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