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"You WHAT?!" Aya shouted into the phone when I called her.

I bit my lip as I watched Erie throw Haru's ball, and the dog went to get it. She held Shizuka back as she tried to chase the ball as well. She didn't come inside, so we haven't faced each other yet.

"I...I kissed her," I repeated to my best friend. Of course she was going to freak out! She wanted me to not go after Erie again, because she knew we both would be hurt.

"You're so lucky I have to go to class, or I would go over there and kick your butt myself!"

Aya finished college and is now going to a top chef school for her amazing cooking abilities. I don't get to see her often due to her rigorous schedule, so I try to call her every few days to catch her up on my sad life.

"I'm an idiot, I know," I sighed. "But she saved my place--"

"That means nothing! You should've kissed her cheek, not make out with her!"

"I didn't make out with her!"

"Knowing you, you did. You couldn't resist her any longer. You needed her. I told you to kick her out your house!"

"I can't!"

"She has a job!"

"She also helps with the bills! I need that help because of my shop!"

I knew Aya had rolled her eyes. "Idiot. Well, I've got to go to class. Talk to you later, when you're not sucking Erie's face off."


"I love you too!"

She hung up, and I tossed my phone on the couch. When I looked outside, I saw Erie hold her eye. Before I could think, I went outside.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, pulling her hand away from her face.

"I'm fine."

"Did you keep something cold on it?"


I frowned then went in the house and in the freezer. Last night's ice pack was in there, and I grabbed it.

"Here." I held it out to her.

Erie took it and held it against her eye. Then she looked at me with her good eye.

"We need to talk about last night," she said.

"No, we don't," I replied, internally scolding myself when my voice cracked. "It was a mistake. I'm sorry."

"It was not, and you know it! Don't lie to yourself!"


Shizuka came and jumped into my arms. I caught her and gave her a small frown as she giggled.

"If you keep doing that, I might drop you again!" I exclaimed.

The first time she tried this, I got startled and accidentally dropped her. She cried a lot, saying it hurt. I don't blame her. It was on the hard floor inside.

Shizuka clutched me tighter. "No! No hurt!"

"I'm not going to drop you, Shizuka," I chuckled.

The younger girl smiled and her eyes roamed across my face. I felt my face heat up, and I looked away.



"I'm hungry."

I couldn't help but chuckle as I sat Shizuka down on the ground. Erie was staring at us the whole time, because she stormed in the house before we did, Haru bounding in after her.

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