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Months have passed since then. And I haven't spoke to Erie since then, following Aya's advice. I'd decline her calls, ignore her texts, and not answer the door when she comes. At first, I felt really bad about it, guilty almost. Then the days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, and it's almost been a whole year.

Staying single for a while has improved my emotional health overall. And I got back dating again, this time happier that I'd have someone to go to when everything went bad.

According to Shizuka's previous owners, who gave me some informational about her a week after I got her, she had turned two already. So she wasn't really a puppy anymore.

Speaking of, our relationship has gotten way better. She still can't bark to save her life, except for the occasional one that accidentally slips out. Other than that, she can actually protect me with her growls. And she hates leaving my side. When I go to school, I can hear her crying and howling down the street, and it breaks my heart so much to know she misses me that bad.

"What a night, Shizuka," I commented, flopping down on the bed.

The dog hopped up beside me and laid down with her head on my stomach. She always do this, to let me know she's listening.

"I met the most amazing guy," I sighed. "He was handsome, sweet, and actually liked me. You should've seen him. He's really tall, you know? And his eyes were wow! And he's going to school to be a photographer! It's like we were meant to be! I'm actually excited to see him again!"

Shizuka lazily wagged her tail a bit.

Finally, I may have found the perfect guy! To, maybe, move on from Erie. I can start a new chapter in my life!

The next day, I invited him to my house. Moments before he knocked on the door, I was putting the finishing touches on my hair and make-up. I was going for a natural look without actually being natural. Because that's stupid.

"Toshio!" I exclaimed, smiling brightly when I opened the door.

He smiled, looking at me with his light grey eyes. For some reason, I'm a sucker for light-colored eyes. Probably a reason why I fell for Erie. I pushed her out my mind and invited Toshio inside.

"I have a gift," he said in his deep voice. He handed me the gift bag.

I looked inside and smiled. He remembered I liked coffee! "Arigatou, Toshio. I'll make this first thing tomorrow morning."


I led him in the living room and we sat down on the couch. Shizuka ran from the back of the place and stopped when she saw Toshio.

"Er, Toshio, this is Shizuka, my dog," I introduced.

Toshio gave a small, uncomfortable smile to the brown dog. "You wouldn't even know she was here."

"The whole reason for her name."

"Right. I'm more of a cat person, actually."

"You aren't afraid of dogs are you?" I asked, concerned. I didn't want my first relationship in a while to be ripped to shreds by his fear of dogs.

"What? No. I just prefer cats, that's all."

"Actually, I was going to get me a cat," I chuckled.

"Really? What happened?"

"I couldn't find the right cat for me. Then I took a walk and found a couple selling puppies, and I chose Shizuka. Kind of like love at first sight..."

Shizuka slowly walked over to me and sat down. She laid her head on my leg, staring at Toshio. I patted her head.

Toshio nodded. "Interesting."

"How many cats do you have?" I asked.

"Just the one. The other died a few months ago. Got hit by a car because she was getting chased by a dog. And she was pregnant."

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I...wow..."

"It's fine. She's in a better place now. Now I just got Ryuu. He's an energetic little ball of fur, I swear!"

I chuckled in amusement. "How old is he?"

"About three years. I've had him since he was a small kitten. Still ran around, exploring, just being himself."

"He sounds cute. I hope to meet him one day."

"Oh, I'm sure you will," he assured.

We sat there, smiling at each other for a moment. Then I remembered my manners and blushed.

"I'm sorry! My manners just flew out the window! Would you like something to drink?" I asked.

"Water would be fine," he smiled.

I nodded and got up, walking to the kitchen with Shizuka behind me. As always.

"Do you like him?" I quietly asked my dog.

She looked at the ground before looking up at me.

"Is that a 'yes'?" I hopefully asked.

She got up and walked away. I'm guessing she's mad at me. What for?

"Here you go," I said, handing him a bottle of water.


I sipped from my bottle before setting it on my coffee table.

"What happened to your dog?" He asked, noticing Shizuka's absence.

"I think she's mad at me," I joked.

"Whoa. Emotional much?"

I shrugged. "She's probably jealous I'm not devoting my attention to her anymore. It's been so long since I've found an amazing date."

"Speaking of amazing dates, I hope this isn't too soon, but I've never felt this way about a woman before. I feel incredible."

I couldn't help but grin. "It's not too early. I feel the same way."

"I...I think I...I love you."

Before I could say anything, he leaned in to kiss me. I was taken by surprise, but I kissed back. His lips tasted...sweet. None of my past boyfriends had ever have sweet lips.

Erie has. But she's a girl. Girls are expected to have sweet lips.

We pulled away, and all I could do is grin. It may just be our second date, but I honestly don't care. Toshio is a tall, handsome, sweet guy that actually wants me. Of course I wasn't going to lose him anytime soon! I was determined to keep him even longer than I kept Erie, who was my longest relationship to date.

"We're moving too fast, aren't we? I'm--"

"Just shut up and kiss me," I mumbled before leaning in to kiss him again.


"I love him, Shizuka!" I shouted after Toshio left.

Not seeing her appear, I went in search for her. Turns out, she was lying on my bed.

"Hey, buddy," I said, reaching over to pet her.

But Shizuka moved from my touch and hopped off the bed. She walked out the room, her head up high.

"What did I do?!" I called after her.

Shizuka continued walking into the living room. Leaving me sleeping alone for the first time in almost a year.

In Japan, when people want to be together, they say "I love you". To say "I like you", might give them the wrong idea, and think you'd only want to be friends.

The guy is Toshio, I guess. I didn't really think about his looks. XD

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