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"Aya, give me my dog back," I said through the phone as I got ready for a date with Toshio.

"Wow. You just tell me to give her back and you think I'll automatically will? Get real, Ami."

"But I need her! I miss her so much! And I know she misses me!"

"Right. So, lemme guess. You're getting ready for a date with Toshio?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "How does Toshio have to do with anything?"

"You're being immature and spending more time with him. And frankly, I don't like him. According to you, he always brings up his dumb cat, saying cats are better and whatnot. If that doesn't start the warning bells in your head, I don't know what will."

Confused, I asked, "What does his cat have anything to do about it?"

"Think about it. What if you were to get married? He'd keep his cat, and you'd lose your dog. And do you think Shizuka would want you then?"

"But maybe I can get Toshio to like her--"

"You're talking nonsense, Ami. Good-bye."

"Aya, wait--!"

But the line went dead. I groaned and sat the phone down.

Two weeks have past since I last saw Shizuka, and I'm really starting to lose my mind. Late at night, I swear I hear the little noises she makes since she doesn't bark. In the morning, I pour her food, then immediately throw it out because I remember she's not here.

A text came through on my phone, and I looked at it to see Toshio said he was at the door. Glancing in the mirror to see that everything looked fine, I hurried to the door and invited him in.

"You look beautiful. As always," he said, kissing my cheek. He wore jeans and a t-shirt, while I wore a simple dress.

"Arigatou. And you look handsome, as always," I said.

I slipped my shoes on and we left the house. We were just going for a walk in the park, and I was glad because I didn't want to be all dressed up for dinner.

"Any luck in getting your dog back?" He asked as we crossed the street.

"Iie. I'm never going to get her back," I sadly said.

"Aw. Well, may I suggest converting to cats? They'll never leave you and they're great to cuddle with. Which reminds me, I'll take you to my house to see Ryuu."

"Okay, but no thanks. I'd be a terrible owner to a cat."

"That's the glory of it! They can practically take care of themselves!"

Talking about his cat made me think about the conversation I had with Aya. Well, she was right about something.

"How about we just not talk about pets?" I suggested.

"Oh, alright. So how's school?"

"It's going great! I'm in my last year, and I'm doing well."

"Awesome! Hey, I was wondering if you could paint another portrait for me?"

"Another one? It's your fifth one!" But I couldn't help but smile. I like drawing him.

"I just love seeing you paint one of my photos. You bring it to life, you know?"

A blush crept onto my cheeks, and I looked down. "I don't really. I just paint what I see, you know? Well, I guess I do make it come alive. If you say so."

I looked up to see Toshio staring at something. I followed his gaze to see a woman angrily looking around the park. She looked like she was from a different county, and had long, golden blonde hair.

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