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Her lips were so soft against mine when they finally met. I don't know how, but they were the softest lips I've ever kissed. Which was saying something, because I kissed some really soft lips before.


But it's not about her. This is about Shizuka and I, finally kissing.

She tasted like cherries, which I thought was odd. But maybe it was because of the lip balm, so I shrugged it off.

The kiss didn't get any deeper because I pulled away, not wanting to take advantage of Shizuka. She gazed at me under half closed eyes, probably thinking about the kiss we just shared.


"I'm so sorry! I couldn't handle myself! I'm so stupid! I just--"

"Stop talking," Shizuka ordered, and I obeyed. "That was amazing, Ami."

My face heated up, and I looked down, but Shizuka lifted my chin up. She smiled at me, and I'm surprised I didn't melt on the spot. She's so beautiful.

"Don't hide your face," she said.

So I sat there, looking at her, with a red face. Her eyes roamed my face, lovingly. Did she love making me blush?

"Here you go," Reina said, making my eyes go to her. She sat my drink down and winked at me before retreating.

Then I look outside to see Aya standing by her car, giving me two thumbs up.

Shizuka couldn't stop gazing at me, and I started to feel uncomfortable. Why was she looking at me like that?

"Ami?" She questioned.


"I love you. Like, a lot. More than I can explain. Like when you smile it makes me feel...nice. And when you look at me, I have this warm feeling. I think about you all the time, Ami. You're just...wow," she sighs, finally looking away.

I sipped my drink to control my smile. "You're so cute, Shizuka. I love you too."

She looked back up at me, her face turning red. I giggled and she blushed even more.

"I promise to make the most of the time we have together," Shizuka promised me.

"Being with you is fine with me," I admitted.

After talking and dealing with Reina's and Aya's squealing, we went home to see an angry Erie. She had her arms crossed as she stood in the living room, waiting for us. Her eyes glared at the two of us.

"Where. Were. You?" Erie growled.

"I-I told you th-that we w-would be g-gone all d-day--" I stuttered nervously.

"I tried to call your phone. Aya answered. Why did Aya answer your phone, Ami? What were you doing with her?"

It was a well-known fact that Aya and Erie hated each other. They never got along as far as I could remember. I thought Aya hated Erie because she was another best friend, but I'm not even sure now. And the feeling was mutual between the two.

"All three of us were together," I told her.

"Aya said you were on a date. With who?"

"I, uh--"


In that moment, I felt like strangling Shizuka for the first time ever. She smiled brightly at Erie while Erie gave her a cold look. Then I felt like punching Erie for looking at Shizuka like that. Why am I so confused?!

"Shizuka? You're dating the homeless girl when you have a perfectly good girl in your face, with a job, helping you achieve your dreams? What do you see in her anyways?!"

"It's...a long story," I said.

"We have all night, Ami. There's no work tomorrow."

"I can't. You wouldn't understand, Erie."

"I can if you'd let me! I'm not stupid, Ami!"

"It's most about intelligence. It's...complicated. I can't tell you or else you'll think I'm lying. I'm sorry."

Then I walked past Erie, with Shizuka right behind me. We walked to my room, and I closed the door. I sat on my bed, and I looked up to see Shizuka frowning at me.

"You still love her," she stated, crossing her arms.

"What? Shizuka, I just confessed that I love you back!" I exclaimed.

"Why wouldn't you let Erie know we're dating? Are you ashamed of me? Or do you really love her?"


"GET OUT OF MY WAY, ERIE!!" Aya was heard in the living room.

"WHY ARE YOU EVEN IN HERE?!" Erie yelled back.

"They're gonna kill each other," I said, getting up.

But Shizuka stood in front of me. "You didn't answer me!"

"Shizuka, please? They're going to kill each other!"

The shorter crossed her arms. "I knew it."

She stormed out the room with me following her. "Shizuka," I tried, grabbing her arm.

"Leave me alone, Ami!" Shizuka said, sounding like she was crying.

My heart started to hurt, and I spun her around to face me. She had wet eyes and I saw a tear run down her face. I wiped her tear away and leaned in to kiss her. Why am I so stupid? Why do I have to hurt this beautiful angel?

"I'm so sorry," I said against her lips before kissing her again.

The screams and shouts faded into the background, and it was only us two. Shizuka was against the wall while I stood in front of her. It was only when we heard our names that we snapped out of it.



There was a loud smack, and Shizuka and I ran into the living room to see my small best friend glaring at Erie, who held her cheek, looking livid.


I stood there, frozen to the spot. My ex that I still loved was on the ground, my best friend was beyond furious, and my new girlfriend was suspicious of Erie and I. This is all my fault.

"This is all my fault," I said.

Shizuka grabbed my hand and made me look at her. I gazed into her green eyes.

"It is not your fault," she said. "You have a clingy ex."

"She's not clingy," I defended immediately.

Shizuka frowned at me and let go of me. "'Bye, Ami."

"Wait, what? No!"

Shizuka walked out the door quickly. Aya looked at me, shook her head, and walked out behind Shizuka, shutting the door. Erie got off the ground and went to the kitchen for an ice pack, completely ignoring me.

I messed up bad.

And I went to the couch in the living room and cried myself to sleep. I hate myself.

I'm so dramatic!

I gotta stop reading yaoi xD It's ruining my lifeu!

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