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Shizuka wasn't on me when I woke up from my unintentional nap. I panicked for about two seconds, thinking we were still in the hospital and she was lost somewhere. But I calmed down once I recognized my living room.

"Shizuka?" I called, but was immediately responded with something worse.

"SHIZUKA NO!!" I heard Aya scream, and I jumped off the couch to see what all the commotion was about.

It was in the hallway, and I could only see Aya pulling Shizuka off of Erie. The smallest girl carried the brunette out the hallway, and they both saw me. Shizuka, who looked furious, started whining when she laid eyes on me.

"Ami," she whimpered.

Aya dropped the girl, and she ran to me. Her head hung as she reached for my hand.

"I'm a bad girl..."

"What happened?"

"She bit Erie," Aya sighed.

Erie stormed up to us, red in the face, clutching her arm. "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT THING?!?" She pointed at Shizuka.

"My girlfriend," I replied.

"Well your dumb girlfriend bit me like she was a dog!! What is wrong with her?!" Erie shouted.

Shizuka hid her face in my shoulder while I looked at Aya. She just shrugged at me.

"You won't believe me," I told Erie.

"Just tell me, Nakashima Ami!"

"Shizuka...was a dog," I admitted, looking Erie in the eye.

She looked puzzled at my statement. "What?"

I sighed as I held Shizuka close to me. "This Shizuka was my dog. I had wished for her to be a human so I could feel loved one night, and it came true. Shizuka isn't a dog anymore."

Erie stared at me for a while, not saying anything. Aya shook her head, letting out a humorless chuckle.

"You don't believe her," the redhead said.

Erie's gaze went to Aya. "And you believe her?"

"I have no other choice. She's my best friend, and she would never lie to me."

Erie looked at Shizuka, who wouldn't look up. Then she looked between Aya and I a few times. Disbelief was written all on her face.

"You two are crazy," she said before walking past me.

"I knew you wouldn't believe me!"

Erie turned around to face me. "How the heck am I supposed to believe that she was a dog?!"

"I never lied to you before!"

"Ami, you're crazy. Your dog probably died, and you're having this crazy illusion that she's actually a human now. You need help!"

"I'm glad I didn't marry you!" I shouted. "And I don't want to! You listen to the wrong stuff, Erie! You don't even want to believe me! You don't love me at all!"

My ex stared at me for another moment before leaving the house. She slammed the door, making the three of us jump.

"I'm so sorry, Ami," Shizuka said. "I'm a bad girl, but I couldn't help it! When I saw her, I just couldn't stop myself! I...I'm bad..."

"Shizuka, no you're not. Just stop saying that, okay?"

I felt tears in my eyes, and I couldn't help thinking this was my fault. Because I can't do anything right.

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