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Months have passed since that day. I graduated college and went to set up my business, alongside Reina, who studied business. So I moved all my art things in the spot we rented, due to a grant we got from the government.

Erie still stayed at my house, and she still slept in the same bed with me, despite bad days and arguments we get into. They were either about my business, how I wasn't spending enough time with her, or Shizuka.

Shizuka has been learning more things thanks to either me, Erie, or Aya. She's stopped trying to chase cats whenever she sees one, and she's almost stopped hanging her head out the window when we go for a ride. Almost.

We turned the old art studio into her own bedroom, with her own furniture she liked. Though, in the beginning, she would sneak into my room every night, since she learned how to open doors. But Erie snapped on her once and she hasn't done it since.

Then Shizuka started growing and getting mature. It surprised us when we first noticed it, and it freaked Erie out. I still never told her the truth, she wouldn't believe me.

"How old are you now? You must be around twenty," I said one night as I got ready for bed. Erie was out walking Haru.

"I'm nineteen," Shizuka said in her new mature voice. She was brushing her own hair, looking in the mirror at herself. I was proud knowing she could take care of herself.

"Wow. You really are growing up fast."

"Yeah. But it kinda feels different as a human. It's more...noticeable."

I smiled and nodded. "It is. And I hope Erie won't catch on. I'm trying to convince her she's crazy."

"Aya understood. Why can't she?" Shizuka asked.

"I don't know. I just know she won't understand."

The brunette put her brush down and started braiding her own hair. "You can't keep lying to her, Owner. She'll find out soon and hate you. But you shouldn't care, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"You two aren't dating. Right?"

"Hai, but she's a close friend."

Shizuka finished her braid and turned to face me. "How close?"

"Shizuka, what is with all these questions?"

The younger frowned before shaking her head. "I'm going to sleep."

Before she could exit the room, I stopped her with my next question. "No goodnight kiss?" I asked with a slight pout.

She froze then turned to face me. When she made no move to come to me, I got up and went to her.

We made it part of our nightly routine to give each other a goodnight kiss. It started a few months ago, when she started kissing my cheek every night. Never in front of Erie, because she would get the wrong idea. And then another argument would blow up.

Shizuka gazed into my eyes...differently. There was something there that wasn't always there before. I didn't know what it was, but I didn't dare question her about it.

I leaned in and kissed her cheek softly, and she kissed mine as well. But I could've sworn she kissed closer to my lips than last night. Maybe it's my imagination.

"Goodnight, Shizuka."

"Goodnight, Owner."

She left to go to her room, and that's when I noticed my heart beating faster.

What is wrong with me?!

I climbed into bed just as Erie came back. She sat on her side of the bed and put her face in her hands. I didn't dare ask what was wrong, fearing that she would snap at me.



"Could you get me something cold for my face?"

Something cold? For her face? What happened? I quickly got an ice pack from the freezer, wrapped it in paper towels, and ran back to the room.

"Erie? What happened?"

She looked up at me and I gasped when I saw her black eye.

"Who did this to you?!" I asked, quickly putting the ice pack over her eye.

"Some girls. It's nothing."

"It is something! Do you know them? When did this happen? Do you have any other bruises?" I fired of question after question.

"Ami, calm down! I'm fine!"

"Answer me! I can't stand to see you hurt like this!"

Erie lightly pushed my away before taking off her shirt. I gasped as I saw bruises of different sizes and colors littered her skin.

"Tell me what happened," I demanded in a shaky voice.

"There were some girls by your place. I thought they were looking at your artwork. But they were trying to break in. I stopped them and called the cops. They started beating me up, and the police showed up just in time."

My eyes, which were looking over each mark, jumped to hers. Her one good eye looked at me with so much love and admiration. I pressed the ice pack back over her black eye, while feeling my heart rate increase. No no no!

"You didn't have to, Erie. Now you're all beaten up...You should've let them take my things."

"I told you I love you, Ami..."

I gave her a small smile. "You're so stupid, Erie. But I guess that's one of the reasons I love you."

Slowly, I leaned in, and Erie did the same. Our lips met, and I used my free hand to cling to her shirt. I didn't want her to back away, no matter how wrong this was.

"Mm...Ami..." Erie said, trying to push away.

I pulled away and gaped at her in horror. I can't believe I did that!

"Erie...I...I'm so sorry, I just..."

I shook my head before leaving the room. Why was I so stupid? I mess everything up!

Since the living room was free, I laid on the couch and sighed. I can't seem to do anything right. Erie was just being nice to me, and I took it as a sign that she may have wanted me back.

"I hate myself," I muttered before I got drowsy.

When I opened my eyes the next morning, I gazed into Erie's green eyes. I didn't even mind that she was sleeping on my stomach.

Wait, Erie doesn't have green eyes...

"Hi, Owner," Shizuka quietly greeted me.

A sigh left my lips as I sat up. "Good morning, Shizuka."

"You sound sad. Why are you sad?"

Sometimes I wish I never taught her emotions. "I'm fine."

She cocked her head to the side. "You are not, but okay. Owner, guess what?"


"You're beautiful."

I couldn't help but smile. Shizuka's gotten in the habit of telling me I'm beautiful everyday. "Arigatou."

"Do not thank me. We have breakfast now, yes?" She asked.

I chuckled as she climbed off of me. "Of course. Is Erie still here?"

"Iie. She took Haru out."

"Did she say when she'll be back?"

"Not for a long time."

A frown formed upon my face, But I quickly wiped it off so Shizuka wouldn't see.

"What do you want for breakfast?"

Puppy Love // E-girls' DreamDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora