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Toshio carried the last of Erie's boxes in my home, and I turned to Erie, who was talking the her now ex-boyfriend.

"You don't have to do this," he said.

"It's too late. And I had to. You weren't faithful. You kissed girls right in front of me! I wasn't going to put up with that!" Erie exclaimed angrily.

"Fine. Just one more good-bye kiss?"

Erie rolled her eyes and walked away from the truck. He sped off down the road and out of sight.

"Idiot," she muttered, loud enough for me to hear. I couldn't help but giggle.

Toshio walked back outside. "That's all?"

"Yeah, he just drove off," I said.

Erie looked at Toshio from head to foot. She looked a bit confused because I never introduced each other properly except for names.

"Who's Toshio exactly?" She asked.

"Toshio...is my boyfriend," I admitted.

Toshio smiled. "I was wondering when you'd tell her. I was starting to think you didn't want her to know."

Erie nodded slowly, still giving Toshio a weird look. "Well, I'll be in the house, unpacking my things."

The brunette slipped in the house leaving Toshio and I outside.

"So, new roommate?" He questioned, even though the answer is obvious.


"How did you two meet?"

"We were friends," I simply said.

He raised his eyebrows. "Is that all? Just friends?"

"Um...in the beginning, yes."


I sighed. "Fine. She was my girlfriend for a while. Then we broke up because of me, and we're friends now."

"Just friends? Nothing more?"

"Nothing more, nothing less."

"Good. I guess this means no more late night cuddles?" He pouted his lips.

I smiled and pecked them. "Not unless I come over to your house. She's sleeping on the couch."

"Alright then. I see she has a dog. Do you think you'll be fine without Shizuka?"

I shook my head. "Nothing can replace her. I have to get her back."

He nodded. "Well, I have to get back home to shower and stuff. Text me later?"

"Of course."

We shared a kiss before left. I went inside, smiling like an idiot. Haru ran right into my legs, barking happily.

Shaking my head, I picked him up and went to find Erie. "Erie?" I called.

"In the kitchen!"

I went in the kitchen to see her making tea. She smiled and handed me a mug, causing me to put the puppy down and grab the mug.

"Arigatou. You didn't have to--"

"No worries. I used my own tea anyways. Kind of a small 'thank you' for letting me stay here. You didn't have to, you could've just let me stay with him, or let me move back with my parents. Or even let me sleep on the streets--"

"No, I couldn't do that. I wouldn't forgive myself if that happened to you," I said, sipping from my mug.

"Can I ask you something?"

Puppy Love // E-girls' DreamWhere stories live. Discover now