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Erie removing her arm from around me was what woke me up the next morning. There was movement behind me and I knew she had gotten off the bed.

Last night came back to me, and I recalled how she cuddled me from behind, and how she unknowingly confessed to me last night that she wanted us back together. I wasn't planning on telling her that, but I did know that I wanted her back. Maybe we could even start over.

Oh, crap! Toshio!

I completely forgot about confronting him! I reached over for my phone when I heard a yelp across the room.

Erie had opened the door, and was staring at Shizuka, who was lying on the floor, groaning.

"What? Why are you at the door?" Erie asked.

"I...sleep here."

"No, you sleep on the couch."

I got up and couldn't help but giggle. Erie turned to see me and sighed.

"Did I wake you?" She asked.

Yes. "No. What happened?"

"I stepped on her. Because apparently she sleeps in front of our door."

Our. I bit my lip and looked down at Shizuka, who finally looked up at me.

"You're awake!" She exclaimed, scrambling off the floor and running to me.

She pulled me into a hug, her head resting on my chest in content. Erie gave me a puzzled look, and I just shrugged at her.

"O...Kay. Well, I'm going to get ready so I can look for a job."

"Not going well?" I asked.

She shook her head. "So far, no. But hopefully I can find some place to work. Somebody has to hire me."

"Good luck with that."

Once Erie walked away, I looked down at Shizuka. "Are you hungry?"

"Hai! And thirsty! And I have to pee!"

Crap, I forgot to teach her how to use a toilet! I led her into my bathroom and proceeded in teaching her how to use the bathroom.

"First, you pull your pants down. Okay?"

Shizuka nodded, then hooked her thumbs on the inside of her shorts

"Wait! Not..."

Too late. Shizuka stood with just her underwear and shirt on, looking proud.

"...now," I finished. But I've seen her fully naked, so there's no need to be shocked. I shook the thought out of my head. So uncalled for.

"You still have your underwear--butkeepthaton!" I finished hurriedly.

Shizuka nodded, smiling at me. I bet if she still had a tail, it would've been wagging so fast.

"And you sit on the toilet. Like this."

I sat on the toilet, with the lid down. "And once you're done, you flush pushing the handle down. Like so."

I got up and flushed the toilet. Shizuka frowned though.

"I drink out of that," she said, pointing to the toilet bowl.

"Okay, so we'll go to the store later on today, and get you a toothbrush. Okay?"


"And don't forget to wash your hands afterwards. And use toilet paper."

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