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Aya entered the kitchen, putting on a fake smile. It quickly dropped when she saw Shizuka in my arms.

"Ami? Who is--"

"Aya!" Shizuka exclaimed, going to give Aya a hug. She squeezed the smaller woman in her arms.

"Ami, who is she?"

Shizuka stepped away, and pointed at herself. "It's me! Shizuka! I'm a you!"

Aya looked back and forth between Shizuka and I. "Ami, what's going on? And why is Erie talking about Shizuka?"

"It's a long story," I admitted. "And frankly, you wouldn't believe me."

Aya crossed her arms. "Try me."

"Later. Erie doesn't know," I lowered my voice.

"What don't I know?" Erie came into the kitchen, with Haru behind her.

Aya spun around. "How bad Shizuka is feeling," she fluently lied. "It's tragic."

Erie's face dropped. "She will be okay, right? I know how sad Ami my would be if we lost her."

My. I turned away so nobody would see how much I scowled. Erie seriously needs to stop or I'll do something dumb.

Shizuka leaned her head against my shoulder as I finished up dinner.

"Erie, could you do me a favor and run to the store right quick for some cups?" Aya asked, and I heard the jingling of keys.

"Cups? For what?"

"Shizuka of course! Her medicine!"

"Oh! Right!"

"Take some money. This should cover it. Look for the smallest cups. Now go. Go!"

I heard someone leave the kitchen, and I turned to see Aya standing there.

"Talk," she commanded.

Shizuka stood beside me, smiling. "Hi!"

"Hello. Ami, spill."

"You're not going to believe me," I sighed.

"I swear, if you don't talk to me right now, I'm going to punch you in your face."

So I explained everything that happened in great detail to my best friend. Her face was neutral the whole time, but I knew she was listening. Shizuka tried to interrupt, but I covered her mouth with my hand and threatened to put her in Time Out if she licked it. At the end of my story, I tried to relate human Shizuka to puppy Shizuka by pointing out their hair, eyes, and smile.

Aya leaned against the counter behind her, massaging her temples with her fingertips. "That was the most insane story I've ever heard."

"I knew you wouldn't believe me," I sighed.

"It's not that, it's just...Shizuka turned into a human just to love you?"

"It's crazy, I know, but that's what she said."

Shizuka reached down and held my hand. I squeezed it slightly in reassurance.

"Aya hates me," she frowned, looking down.

"What? No no no, I do not!" Aya came over and lifted the teen's face up. "I just...have to get used to you, that's all. Wow, you're so beautiful."

Shizuka blushed and shied away into my neck. "Arigatou."

"And you've been teaching her to act like a human?" Aya asked, looking at me.

"Hai," I responded.

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