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Erie was trying her hardest to pick the lock of the bathroom door. But between her crying, shaking hands, and the two girls crying behind her, it was difficult. Her beautiful ex-girlfriend could be in there dead for all they knew.

Finally, she opened the door, and gasped at what she saw. Ami was already under the water, not moving at all.

"NO!" Shizuka screamed.

Erie ran to the tub and reached under the water. She used her strength to pull the unconscious girl out the water. Tears streamed down her face as she sat the girl down.

"AMI!" Shizuka cried, falling on top of her girlfriend.

"CPR..." Aya said. "Erie, you have to give her CPR!"

Erie nodded and Aya pulled Shizuka away. Erie opened Ami's mouth and stuck two fingers inside. When she got no response, she stuck her fingers in deeper. Water was coughed up, and she tilted Ami's head back. She placed her hands on the middle of her chest and began pushing.

"Aya, call the ambulance!" Erie ordered.

Aya picked Shizuka up, who was crying in her arms, and she carried her out the room to make the call.

Erie was glad, because Shizuka probably would've gone crazy when she did the next step. She placed her mouth over Ami's and proceeded in breathing into her. When she got nothing, she repeated everything over and over until Ami took a deep breath.

Erie watched as Ami coughed up water, taking deep breaths. She looked relieved as she took the taller blonde into her arms.

"You scared me," she said to Ami. "We thought you were dead! Don't ever do that to us ever again, Nakashima Ami!"

Ami looked up at her with red eyes, then she laid her head on Erie's shoulder and closed her eyes. The tears came rolling, giving Erie a headache, but she didn't care. Her Ami was back in this world, and she was never going to be left alone.


When I opened my eyes again, I was in an all-white room. A steady beeping noise was beside me, and wires were attached to me. I turned to see Shizuka sleeping against my arm, her hand clutching mine. Aya was playing a game on her phone, and Erie was nowhere in sight. My head was pounding, and I looked around for pain killers.

Aya looked up and saw me. "Ami...you're awake," she smiled. She turned her phone off and walked over to me.

"You know, I hate you so much right now," she said, pushing hair from my face. "You left me all alone in this cruel world. You were my only best friend. Then you left Shizuka, who couldn't stop crying. She was the first one to get in the back of she ambulance. She had a fit when they wouldn't let us in your room. She started acting...like a dog again. She started biting people who tried to calm her down, she even bit me a few times."

She rolled her sleeves up, and I saw multiple bite marks on her arms.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "For everything."

"Why, Ami? Where you that devastated about losing Shizuka? She wanted to go right back because she had a bad feeling about you, since this has happened before."

"It's not just that. I'm a horrible person, and I don't deserve to live--"

"Shut up," Aya interrupted. "Because you're lying. Everybody makes mistakes. Yours are a bit bad, but you had no reason to go and drown yourself. I should smack you hard for being an idiot. But I know your head hurts.

"You freaking scared me! I thought I lost you, Ami. I would never see your beautiful smile again, or hear your laugh. Or be able to joke with you and listen to all your problems. I wouldn't be able to share my cooking achievements with you, because if it weren't for me cooking for you every now and then, I wouldn't have made it this far. You do dumb things, but I'm always here to correct them. Don't EVER do that a again. Here."

She handed me a cup of pills and a bottle of water. I took the pills and chugged only half the water. I was sick of water right now.

All the movement made Shizuka stir, and I watched as she slowly opened her eyes. She looked at my arm before lying back on it.

"Ami," she whimpered before crying again.

That's when I reached over and ran my fingers through her hair. She looked up and gasped when she saw me awake.

"Ami!" She squealed, hugging me tightly.

I chuckled as I hugged her back. Then I felt my hospital gown get wet.

"Don't cry," I pleaded, stroking her hair.

"I'm a bad girl. I left you all alone. You got hurt. You..."

She couldn't say anything else, and she just cried into me.

"You're not a bad girl. I'm just stupid."

"I should've stayed. I should've been a good girl. I should've been with you, Ami. Now you hate me."

"No! I could never hate you, Shizuka. I love you so much. More than you could ever imagine."

The brunette looked up at me with her red eyes. "But you love Erie more--"

"Just shut up! I freaking love you, Shizuka! If I didn't, I wouldn't have dated you or told you how much I love you or even be saying this stuff! You've never hurt me. Never cheated on me, even though we haven't dated for long. All you've been doing is try to make me happy. And I've been blinded because of Erie, who I thought I could only ever love. But I love you so much, Shizuka. I can't live without you."

And I bent down to softly kiss her. She kissed back, holding my face.

Everything I said was true. I've been treating Shizuka terribly. Just because I thought Erie was the one person I was destined to be with. I'll always love Erie, but Shizuka comes first.

We pulled away, and smiled at each other. I ran my fingers through her soft hair when somebody called my name.

"Ami, my baby!"

I looked to see my parents walking into my room. My okaasan was crying as she came to hug me. My okousan hugged me afterwards, unintentionally pushing Shizuka out the way. I saw her frown angrily, but Aya dragged her out the room.

"Ami, I'm so glad you're alive!" My okaasan exclaimed, feeling my face like I had a temperature.

"Yeah, once Erie told us what happened, we rushed over here immediately! I'm so glad she saved your life. And even happier she's going to be your wife!"

My eyes widened as I stared at them. And Erie slowly walked into the room. She gave me a small wave.

I'm going to kill her...

Plot twist!!! *evil cackle*

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